The Story Of Us (Sort Of)

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"Love doesn't necessarily care whether you like it. It can bring you enormous grief, but you would never trade it for any other experience."

—Piers Anthony

Three Years Ago

Thunder clapped against the sky and I pulled my jacket tighter around me

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Thunder clapped against the sky and I pulled my jacket tighter around me. "This isn't happening," I whispered in disbelief as the storm raged on. I was such a fool for being out in this weather in the first place. I shivered and a tear rolled down my cheek, mixing with the rainwater. I wiped my face with my soaked jacket sleeve and laughed, wondering how I could've been be so stupid.

The road was dark and deserted as I trudged through the rain, hoping to find shelter. I blew on my hands (a useless gesture, considering how soaked I was) and glanced behind me. A pair of headlights shone through the darkness and I stopped and waved my arms, frantically trying to get the vehicle to stop. "Please don't be a serial killer," I prayed as the car pulled up alongside me.

I waited until the window was rolled down before taking a cautious step toward it. "Get in!" the driver yelled over the noise of the rain.

I hesitated for a fraction of a second before opening the door and climbing into the passenger seat. "Thanks for this," I mumbled, sneaking a glance at the boy behind the wheel.

"No problem," he said, giving me a reassuring smile.

He's not bad looking for a potential serial killer, I mused.

He reached over and turned up the heat before switching the radio on. A country song played softly as we drove.

I stared out the window, wondering how I was going to explain this to my parents. They were going to be so pissed when they saw me. "Some friends I have," I muttered, referring to one friend in particular. Well, ex-friend now, I guess.

"Are you talking to me?" the guy behind the wheel asked.

I shook my head and glanced at him. He looked vaguely familiar but I couldn't place his face. "Do we know each other?"

He chuckled and gave me a quick once over. I blushed involuntarily when he flashed me a smile.

"You're Taylor Evans," he said in a voice so dreamy that I found myself more attuned to it. "You make up one half of the infamous Evans sisters, you're a notorious heartbreaker and uh, we had four classes together our senior year," he finished with a breathtaking smile.

I crossed my arms and raised my brow. I hated being lumped with my sister. Although, to be fair, I was the infamous part of our little band, she was actually well liked. "And you are?"

"Me? Well, I'm the guy who's been waiting for most of his teenaged life to be noticed by you."

I rolled my eyes. What a line!

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