Interview and Tears

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Author's note: Sorry this update is pretty boring. I promise to make it up in the next update!


Julie's POV:

My fingers twisted in the thin sheets covering my lap. Hopkins had set a tape recorder down on the night stand and had a notebook open on her lap. I watched her as she scribbled something down and pushed her glasses up on her nose.

"Juliet, can you tell me what you did the day you went missing?" she asked me.

"I was at work that night," I said.

"What did you do for work?"

"I was a stripper."

"For how long?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "Like a year."

Hopkins nodded her head and continued writing.

"Did anything strange happen that night?"

Charles had interviewed me. He had also interviewed Lina that night, so I couldn't tell Hopkins that. If they were also questioning Lina, then she'd tell them that. I wanted to eliminate all the evidence that the police could use to find Jimmy.

"No," I said. "It was a normal night."

"What was the name of the man that abducted you?" she asked.


"Charles what?"

"I don't know."

There were no legal documents with their names on it, but I didn't want to tell them their last name. I was a Wilcox, and I had to protect my family.

"You lived with these people for two years and you don't know their last name?" she asked raising an eyebrow.

"It never came up."

I reached out and peeled back the foil lid to the orange juice. I needed to act natural in front of Hopkins, she couldn't know anything was wrong.

"Who else lived in the house?" she asked.

"His two sons."


"James and Thomas."

"Carrie told me that Charles had kidnapped her to be a wife for Thomas. Is that why he took you?"


My mouth was dry, but I didn't want to drink my juice. I could feel my hands tremble and I didn't want Hopkins to see.

"Did James ever hurt you?" she asked.

"Nope," I said, "he never did."

"Not once?" she asked. For the first time she looked up from her notebook. "Not even a slap?"

I shook my head and bit down on the inside of my cheeks. I knew my answer didn't match up with Carrie's. She wanted everyone to know about what Tommy had done to her.

"Carrie told me a very different story," she said. "She told me that for the few weeks she was in that house she was constantly beaten and raped. But James never hurt you?"

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