The guests

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I woke up took a quick shower dressed up and headed down to make brunch. Aunty Amina and I are gonna make some really good stuff.

"Wow you're fast." She says watching me.

"I guess. It's kind of a habit now."

"Wow. Wait I think they're here!" She squeaks and I turn the stove off and the two of us wash up and head to the living room.

"Salam Alaykum!" Aunty Amina and Aisha say hugging each other.

"And this is your daughter in law correct?" She asks The and I stand there nervously.

"I prefer the term daughter" she says making me smile.

"Wow wow wow! Masha Allah! Where's that hero of yours, Yaseen!" She calls out as Yaseen and two other guys walk in with bags.

"Come here quick." She says and he walks over.

"Stand next to your beautiful wife." She says bringing out her camera. This can't be good.

He awkwardly walks and she gets ready to snap

"Wait wait I don't like pictures. Please " I say and begin to walk but he grabs my hand and I turn and the camera snaps.

"Oh wow they're so cute together" she shrieks

One of the son is standing there cross armed watching and the other leaning and smiling.

"I told you!" Mom says.

"But you know what? You could have gotten better. He's good but you could do better!" She says laughing and winking at me.

"You know I'd be glad to steal you away." She says and aunty Amina and her laugh. I'm so lost right now.

"Mom stop it now. Please." The older son says laughing.

"Okay why don't you guys eat first Then we'll show you the rooms. Sumi made the food especially for you guys. She's really good." Aunty Amina says and I blush.

"Actually me and her both made it." I say and she laughs.
"No I tried"

"And you did." I say as everyone sits and I bring in the food.

The workers hold out the chairs and everyone takes a seat except for me as I just brought the food in.

"Qulsum  if anyone's gonna serve me I want you to serve it. After all you cooked it We have to give you some credit." Aunty Aisha says.

"If not its fine I'll under-"

"No no. I don't mind at all. " I say putting servings of each on all the plates. As I go to put the curry I feel Yaseen's eyes staring at me and looking at him I realize I had just spilled it.

"whoops. I'm so sorry" I say grabbing a napkin and passing the elder son Adam a couple napkins to clean of his shirt.

"It's okay." He says laughing.

"I'm really sorry don't worry I'll wash your shirt today by hand and have it cleaned. I'm so sorry" I say and he just laughs.

"No no don't worry about it. " he says

"Don't worry I'll get it washed."

"Okay fine. If your gonna wash it by hand I gotta see how it's done." He says smiling. The waiter comes to pull my chair but I Signal him to leave it.

QulsumDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora