Chapter 3

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Carlisle's P.O.V.
The next day, I had the day off so me and Esme drove to the orphanage in Seattle. We walked in and headed for the front desk. 'Excuse me? I'd like to speak with Nurse Kinsley, please?' I ask. 'Certainly, Doctor.' The young girl says and picks up the phone on the desk. 'Hello Audrey, it's me Megan. Dr Cullen is here to see you. Okay, I'll see you in a few.' She hangs up. 'She'll be out in just a minute.' Me and Esme take a seat and few minutes later, Audrey appears. 'Hello Dr Cullen. How can I help you?' Audrey asks. 'My wife Esme and I would like to adopt Sophie.' I explain. 'Oh that's fantastic. Come through to my office.' We follow Nurse Kinsley through to her office and we sit down across from her. 'Okay so to adopt a child, once the necessary forms have been signed, we shall arrange visits over a few week period and obviously we will have to do a brief house check. Although as a doctor, I'm sure your house will more than meet the standards.' We talk for a few minutes as she asks Esme and I various questions. 'How many of you are living there currently? Audrey asks. 'There are seven of us.' Esme says. 'And who all is that?' 'Myself and Esme, our adopted sons, Emmett, Edward and Jasper and our adopted daughters, Rosalie and Alice.' I explain. The meeting lasts a total of an hour. 'So I'll be over later for a house check and then we can get the paperwork ready.' Audrey smiles. Me and Esme smile at each other. We stand up and I take her hand as I shake Audrey's hand with my other. Esme and I walk out of Audrey's office and head towards the car. We drive back to the house and head inside. We walk up the stairs and find everyone gathered in the living room. 'Audrey is coming over tonight for a house check and if all goes well we could get Sophie tomorrow as Audrey knows me.' I say. Rosalie smiles at Emmett and leans into him so he kisses her head. Alice and Jasper smile at each other. Edward just sits there. He's like that though. I sit down on the couch with Esme and wrap an arm around her. We talk for a little while about Sophie before freshening up before Audrey arrives. The door bell ringing informs us that she's here. I walk down the stairs and open the door to Audrey and Sophie in her arms. 'Hello Carlisle.' 'Hello Audrey. Come on in.' 'I brought Sophie along so she could meet everyone.' She smiles. I smile back and lift baby Sophie from her arms and carry her up the stairs. Audrey follows behind. Sophie giggles up at me then giggles more as I pass her on to Esme. She smiles down at the baby girl giggling in her arms. 'So this is Sophie?' Esme asks. I nod my head. I show Audrey around the house as Sophie gets passed around everyone. As Nurse Kinsley and I arrive back at the living room. Edward is sitting holding Sophie in his arms and smiling.  I smile over at the pair. 'Come on Edward it's my turn.' Alice chirps. He reluctantly passes Sophie on to Alice and smiles wide as he does. Something happens next that I try to hide from Nurse Kinsley. Alice looks into Sophie's eyes and I can tell she's had a vision. Edward's face shows he's read her thoughts and found out what she saw. Alice looks to Jasper and then hands Sophie to him, carefully. After a few minutes, I take Sophie out of Jasper's arms and whisper softly to him. 'Just in case.' He nods understandingly. I walk Audrey down the stairs and outside then I put Sophie in her car seat and kiss her forehead. 'Well I believe the house is in check and since you are a well known doctor, you can have Sophie as of tomorrow.' 'That's perfect. Just in time for her 6 month party.' I grin. 'Yes. I shall bring her over around 11am okay?' 'That's fine. So I'll see you tomorrow.' I shake Nurse Kinsley's hand and head inside. I walk up the stairs to my family. 'Nurse Kinsley will be bringing her up tomorrow at 11am.' I say. 'That's just enough time to get her room finished and get the decorations finished.' Alice squeals. 'Yes it is.' I smile. 'Okay boys, go finish the crib while us girls go shopping for Sophie.' Alice says so me and the boys head up to the nursery.
Esme's P.O.V.
Alice, Rosalie and I go into Seattle for a few hours and pick out baby clothes and baby toys as well as buying diapers and baby food. I can't wait to have a baby around the house. I know Rosalie is extra excited. She's always a baby. Alice is quite happy too. She's not told us what her vision was yet. 'Alice.' Rosalie whispers. 'Yeah?' 'What did you see? When you looked into Sophie's eyes?' Rose asks. 'I saw her and Carlisle in a few years time.' Alice smiles. 'So things will work out for her then?' I ask. 'Definitely.' She grins. We shop a bit longer before driving home. We walk in and place the baby food in the kitchen as well as the bottle steriliser and bottles we got. We then walk upstairs and into Sophie's room where we find Carlisle and the boys standing in the middle of the finished room. 'Surprise!' They shout. We gasp and squeal. 'It's beautiful, boys!' I say. Carlisle envelopes me in a hug and kisses my cheek. We then put the diapers away with the baby oil and things on the changing table. We put the bedding in the crib and hang up all Sophie's new outfits in the wardrobe. We put a few teddies in her crib and the rest with her toys in the toy box. Everything was now set for Sophie tomorrow.

Chapter 3 guys hope you enjoyed it. Sophie's room is on the cover but I put it at the start of the chapter as well. I'll try update a few times during the week. I can have one chapter every 2 days.

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