Part 5

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"There's things you don't want to happen but have to accept. Things you don't want to know but have to learn. And people you can't live without but have to let go." -unknown.


"Okay I have decided who's going to be Romans teammate." Mark says, the girls and I are staring at him intensely.

Emma is gripping my arm tight with a smile. "I'm so going to win." She whispers, I nod at her and smile.

"Okay so it's going to be," he pauses and I look down at the floor. "Paige." My heart stops beating for a millisecond and I look up, Emma has stopped gripping my arm.

"What? But you said whoever impressed you. I won the match, Mark." She says, I bite my lip not knowing what to do or say.

I am Romans teammate. Me. I'm not suppose to be, Emma is. "Emma, you did great and I was impressed by you but you're too bubbly for Roman. He needs a heelish girl, and I think the ideal one would be Paige. I talked to Roman and he was happy with the choice, sorry." He apologizes to her and gives me a small smile before walking away.

"Emma I-" before I can say anything she stops me. "It's not your fault. I need to go do my match." She says walking away. We have a live show today, Emma is against Nikki. I don't have a match but they asked me to come along.

I sit on the bench staring at the floor. I still can't believe I won. Me. Why me? It should've been Emma! She wanted this so bad and I feel terrible.

Im watching Emma's match through the tv, she's hurting Nikki pretty bad. She's not even smiling like usual. She's furious. And this Emma scares me.

"Are you still mad Emma?" I ask as we walk in the arena. Tonight I'm having my first match with Roman as my partner on Raw. He's suppose to get challenged my Punk and Summer and he's going to need a "partner". I'm going to join him and surprise everybody.

"No." She says with a smile. I give her a look, she was pretty serious these two days. But now she's smiling, "Okay so I'm sad that I'm not his partner but you could help me. Like you and him are friends or whatever and you could easily convince him to talk to me."

"Emma I can't force him to." I say dragging my bag along. "You won't have to. He likes me I know it, he's just too shy!" She grins and keeps walking ahead of me.

We walk in the locker room and she waits for me to get change. After that we walk out. "I just know he's going to ask me out one of these days! I can feel it!" She claps her hands happily and I simply smile because I have no comment.

"Are you ready for our match later on? It's he main event." Roman says walking towards Emma and I.

I can't help but to grin, it's an absolute honor to be in the main event. I've never been in one.

"Sure am." I say, he smiles at Emma and I. "Um anyways, what are you doing tonight Roman?" Emma suddenly ask. "I'm not sure yet. I might go out with the guys, although I doubt it since their girlfriends are the jealous type." He chuckles.

"Maybe you need to get a girlfriend." She says, I bite the inside of my cheek as he stares at me. "Maybe I do." I look down at my boots because I can't keep eye contact for him. It's pretty weird, I'm not usually intimidated by nobody.

We are walking backstage when we stop as we see the Divas gather around a TV. Aj and Nikki are having the Divas Championship match. Aj does the shining wizard on her and pins her, she kicks out- barely.

Seth tries to pull Nikki out but Dean punches him and does a DDT on him. Aj takes advantage of this and does a neck breaker on Nikki, then she does a shining wizard again. She pins her and we're all holding our breath.

The bell rings and Aj jumps out mouth wide open as she gets the title back. "Nikki didn't break her title reign." Natalya says, "That has to be devastating for, Nikki." Fox says.

Dean runs to hug her tiny body and they both put their Championships in the air. Nikki is on the floor tears streaming down her face, Seth is on the ground rubbing her shoulder and he kisses her head, and I'm pretty sure she's not faking the tears.


"The time has come, Roman. And you don't have a partner. Ah, so sad. I guess I'll get to beat you up by myself." Punk says in the microphone. Summer grins, "Actually I did get myself a partner." Roman says with a smirk and Summer smile fades.

"Oh really? Who?" She asks. That's when my music starts playing. The crowd jumps up screaming as I walk out after all this is England. I spot Roman in the ring with a grin.

I unzip my leather jacket and make my way to the ring. "Are you serious? You couldn't pick anybody else but this freak?" She viciously spits out.

I frown stepping up but I am stopped by Roman. I look at him and he gives me a "you'll get to beat her in a minute" look.

The bell rings and we start the match. Roman and Punk start it. I'm on ring side staring Summer down, she will most likely try to screw the match up.

Punk runs to Roman making him hit the pole. I can tell he gets dizzie cause he doesn't try to avoid any punches. "Come on Roman!" I scream. I start clapping telling the crowd to clap along.

They clap along and Roman elbows him then running to me tagging me in. I get in as Summer walks around me. I run to her but she moves out the way almost making me run to a pole but I stop myself from doing it.

I give her a look as she grins. I try to tackle her again but she gets out of the ring. I start getting mad and run out the ring and pull her by the hair banging her head against the first thing I lay my eyes on.

"Hey!" Punk screams jumping of ring side. Roman comes behind me causing Punk to back away. I push her back in the ring and kick her across the face one she tries to get up.

She grabs her face in pain and then I do a Paige Turner on her. I'm about to pin her when Punk distracts the referee. I get up mad telling the referee to start counting but by this time Summer has slowly rolled out the ring.

I grab my hair in frustration as she crawls slowly back in the ring. I start screaming at her and when I'm about to hit her she tags Punk in.

He steps in and he steps closer to me with a smirk. I get the urge to slap him across the face to erase that stupid smirk. But Roman steps in because when we're in a mix tag team match we are not allowed to touch the person from the opposite sex.

I get out angry but my mood suddenly changes when Roman spears and superman punches Punk in the face. He pins him winning the match.

I smile as I step in the ring where the referee holds our hands up. We're still celebrating when we get attacked from behind.

It's Punk and Summer of course. Suddenly Aj and Dean come out because they have some beef with them. And it's not just for entertainment. In real life too.

Then Nikki and Seth come to help Punk and Summer. The ring is full and we are all attacking each other. To our luck Aj, Dean, Roman and I kick out Punk, Summer, Nikki and Seth.

I grin as I hear how pumped the crowd is. "This is my house!" I scream. "It's our house." Roman says, I turn to look at him and he's looks at me with those eyes that make my heart skip a beat.

"Our house." I whisper back with a grin.

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