Chapter Sixteen

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As acting Alpha, of course Will would have been the one to hear news of the tribunal for Jackson. I placed my finished apple on the plate in front of me as Jackson and I perked up at the news.

"They've scheduled it for next middle of next month. That means we have a little over three weeks," Will said. "I am glad that they have the date set finally. How has progress gone with the other pack Alphas?"

Jackson tensed and I glanced over at him. I knew he was planning on meeting with them to convince them to back him on the death of Gary. Was it not going well?

"I'll work on it," he replied simply.

I looked back at Will and he looked concerned but didn't voice it. Instead he said:

"Well, remember to remind them that you will have us on your side one hundred percent and when you are exonerated and restored you will have your place as Alpha back here."

Jackson nodded sharply, indicating that the conversation was over. I sighed and took a deep drink of the water sitting in front of me.

The screen door in the kitchen burst open with a loud crack startling us and causing me to drop my glass onto the floor, shattering it into a thousand pieces. I jumped from the sound and landed on a shard of glass, piercing my foot. My blood seeped out of the wound and onto the floor.

"Jesus Romy!" Jackson shouted and picked me and set me on one of the kitchen island stools. "Someone get a first aid kit!"

"No time," Allison panted, her blonde hair that was usually perfect in disarray. "Someone tipped off the Cardaver pack that you are here, Jackson. They are halfway to the house. You need to go - now!"

Jackson looked at the door and the back to my bleeding foot.

"Are you kidding me? Get out of here!" I yelled and motioned with my hands. Did he honestly think a cut on my foot was more important that his damn life?

Jackson's jaw clenched and his lips pursed in anger. I could tell he was battling with his wolf. This was his territory, his house, his mate and being forced to flee like a common rogue was killing him.

"Jackson," I said.

He snapped out of it and grabbed my face in both of his hands before firmly placing a kiss on my lips.

"You're strong," he said as he pulled away from me, dropping one hand. "You are the Luna. One day at a time, Romy."

"One day at a time," I replied.

He clenched his hand into a fist to remove it from my face and turned. Watching him turn and walk away from me before running from the house was so painful I almost forgot about the glass sticking out of my foot.

"I'll get the party. Can you clean up her foot?" Will said to Allison.

He left before waiting for a reply.

"I can do it myself," I said to Allison as she walked into the kitchen and grabbed the first aid kit out of the cupboard.

"Nonsense," Allison scoffed and opened the kit. "You're the Luna and you're hurt. I'm honoured to help."

She pulled out tweezers, disinfectant, some ointment and some bandages and set them out on the island in front of me.

"I'm not technically the Luna right now," I said, thinking of how Jackson was just forced to flee.

My Enemy, My Mate (Complete)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα