Chapter 2

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Natasha awoke before Clint once again. Her side was burning in pain at the slightest movement, but she ignored the pain. She stood up and looked at her almost bare body. She simply shrugged and picked up a blanket and wrapped it aroundher shoulders first, then around her rms and tucked them on either on either side of hher hips to cover heself. She wandered into the little kitchen of the room and looked around. There was a coffee pot and poffee on the counter.

'Thank god' she thought to herself as she put the coffee grounds into the pot and put water in it. She smiled at the smell of the coffee brewing and poured herself a cup of the black liqid, putting in two sugars and a scoop of creamer. She stirred it with a plastic sppon and tossed the spoon into the trash. She held the cup to her lips. A shiver ran down her spine and she inhaled the warm scent. She took a long sip of the drink and sat on the countertop, taking a few deep and calming breaths. Her mind was in cloudy from what happened the night before. After a few minutes, she went to the backpack thata was sitting on the floor. She opened the one that was still closed, which she thought that was hers and she was right. Sitting ontop was her little black journal. She picked up the hotel pen and sat at the table, flipping to the next blank page.

August 8th 2001

6:59 AM

So, I'm not sure what the hell happened. I know that I kicked ass. Soviet ass. Clint is still asleep. Again. Oh well. I just hope the everything okay... I mean with my uhm, yanno. Clint and I were pretty dumb and forgot protection. Oh well. I doubt I can even have children, because of Red Room. Ugh. But I feel like crap. My head is pounding and my side is killing me. I sound like a whiney bitch huh? Oh well. I am whiney right now, I'm in pain.

Clint woke up, his mind going into overload as soon as he felt that Natasha was gone. He jumped out of bed then smelled the coffee. He sighed in relief and walked into the kitchen and saw Natasha writting in her journal. He walked up behind her and wrapped his arm down around hers, taking her pen from her and kissing her cheek. Natasha didn't realize it was him, so she grabbed arm, flipped him ontop of the table, yanking his arm down, dislocating his shoulder and possibly broke his upper arm.

"Damnit Nat!" Clint yelped. The Soviets put something in her. She didn't recognize him. They changed what her memory of him was. She ripped him off the table and threw him on the ground, pressing her forearm into his throat, growling and yeling at him in Russian.

"N-Nat!" Clint choked, yanking at her arm to pull her off with his good arm. He pulled her off and she reached for the counter, ripping open a drawer and pulling out a knife. She lunged for Clint and he rolled out of the way, the knife driving into the floor where his heart would have been. She ripped the knife out of the floor and spun around, staring at clint who had taken his bow out and had an arrow pointed at her.

"Nat, put the knife down. It's just me."

"Lies." She growled. Clint hated to do it but he let the arrow fly, the tip grazing her cheek. Nat threw the knife and Clint tried to move out of the way, but the knife caught him on the arm, giving him a pretty good cut. Clint lunged for Nat, who tried to jump out of the way. He pinned her her down and pressed his lips against hers roughly. Natasha was dumbfounded, then realized what was happening. Her target -the man she was supposed to kill- was kissing her to save both their lives. She wouldn't put up with it. WIth all the force she could, she shoved him off her and pinned him to the floor. She went to break his jaw, but he grabbed her fist and looked up to Natasha.

"Nat, please. Think. It's me. The one whom has made love to you for the past two months." Natasha's mind was racing. She got up and balcked away from him.

"You can't be Clint... Y-you... Your a murderer... They told me..."

"Natasha, it's okay." He said, standing and holding his hand out towards her.

"It's just me. I promise I won't hurt you. Now let me clean your cut." He took her hand. She was still edgy, and the Soviet side of her was still tryign to take over.

'Do not trust him!' her mind screamed to her. She pushed the thought out of her mind and followed Clint. He took her into the bathroom and picked her up as if she weighed as much as a feather. He set her on the counter and looked at the cut on her cheek. Carefully, he took a washcloth and began cleaning the wound, wathcing her eyes.

"I'm sorry." He said, his voice gentle.

"No, I am." She whispered back.

"You have done nothing, Natalia."

"I tried to take your head off."

"I almost shot yours off." He countered. Natasha's heart sank.

"You called me Natalia... I don't tell anyone my real name."

"You told me." Clint caressed her cheek and looked into her sparkling green eyes. God he loved her and never wanted to see her hurt.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry." She whispered and wrapped her arms around Clint's neck.

"I'll keep you safe, Natasha, I promise." He whispered, "I promise."

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