Chapter Forty-Eight

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"So Frank killed Doreen because he couldn't bear the thought of having sex with her?" Sunil asked, setting aside the dessert menu.

"Basically," Isobel said. "And he truly believed he wouldn't get promoted if the head of the company knew he was gay."

"There are laws that protect against that sort of thing," Sunil said.

"But companies don't always follow them," Delphi pointed out.

"And this Jeffards is apparently a little behind the times," Isobel said.

Delphi shook her head. "I feel bad for Stan."

"Did he think Frank would like him better in drag?" Sunil asked.

"It wasn't that," Isobel said. "He wanted to reveal himself in his true form, prepared to do right by Doreen and by himself."

"What I still don't understand, though," Delphi said, "is why Stan didn't just turn Frank in."

"People will do all kinds of weird shit for love," Percival said.

Sunil laughed. "And you know, exactly?"

Delphi patted Sunil's hand. "Best not to ask those questions of Percival. Just accept the fact that his intellect surpasses that of us mere mortals."

"And how is everything over here?" Carlo placed his hand on the back of Delphi's neck. "How is the food and service from this end?"

"Food's fine, service is lousy," Delphi said. "These other girls aren't nearly as good as me."

Carlo grinned. "Just as I thought. Although I haven't tried them all." He winked and moved away toward the next table.

Sunil turned to Isobel. "Well, I forgive you for not calling me. I didn't realize what you were in the middle of. And I'm sorry I made that crack about your survival job being more important than your career."

"No, you were right. For a few moments there, it was." Isobel couldn't suppress a momentary pang. "And the girl who got the part...she's good?"

"Not as good as you would have been, but she'll do."

Isobel looked at her watch and tugged Percival's sleeve. "You'd better skip dessert. You don't want to miss your flight."

"Right." Percival pushed his chair away from the table. "It was great to meet you guys. Thanks for taking such good care of my sister."

"I'd love to introduce you to my sister," Delphi said. "All of them."

Isobel followed Percival to the coat check, where he retrieved his jacket and backpack.

"Not a word to Mom and Dad, right?"

"Are you kidding? And tell them I went to a nightclub?"

They both laughed, and Isobel hugged her brother tightly. "I really hope you come to Columbia next year."

"Iz, I just wanted to say that I think he seems like a really interesting guy."

She looked over her shoulder at Sunil, who had inched his chair closer to Delphi's. "He is, but not my type, really. I think Delphi's coming around—"

Percival snorted. "Not Sunil, silly. James. I don't know what the story is with that wino chick, but he's totally into you."

"James? That's crazy!" protested Isobel.

"I was watching him when you were talking to the police. His face was wide open, and it wasn't just admiration I saw. And don't think I didn't notice you helping him 'just say no.'"

The Temporary DetectiveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora