Chapter 9

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I woke up to my alarm ringing. I groaned and sat up, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. I turned my alarm off and got out of bed. I got dressed then headed to the kitchen.

"Morning," I said, joining the group.

"Hey Percy," Nessie greeted," you okay?"

"Been worse," I brushed her off.

"Kay," she said, leaving it there," we'll leave in ten minutes."

I headed to the restroom. I brushed my hair, not like it did anything, and brushed my teeth.

I met Nessie at the front door, grabbing an apple from the kitchen on the way.

"Let's go," she told me.

We got into Edward's car. Nessie claimed shotgun, so I had the entire back to my self.

"So," Edward asked," what are your grades like?"

"Depends," I told him," if I'm interested in a subject, I do pretty well. I have ADHD though, so boring classes I don't learn anything from. I also have dyslexia, so English is pretty terrible."

"What's your favorite subject?" He asked.

"It's not exactly an entire subject," I told him," but I like Greek mythology and marine biology."

We stayed quiet for the rest of the drive.

When we finally arrived at Forks High I saw the school for the first time. It looked like a smaller school, with not that much going on.

"Come on," Nessie said, stepping out of the car," I'll take you to the office."

I followed her into the school. On the way there I felt a bunch of people staring at us. I wondered why. Maybe they don't have a lot of new kids here.

"Hello," Nessie said, approaching the desk," I have a new student."

"Name?" the graying woman asked.

"Percy Jackson," I told her.

"Percy here is your schedule," she passed me some papers," also a list of after school activities. Renesme, could you show him around?"

I followed her out of the office and through some hallways.

We past students in the hallway, all of them stared. Awkward. I just walked past them.

"First," she said grabbing my schedule to looked it over," you have biology. That's just this way."

She took a couple turns and brought me to a door. She opened it and I followed her in.

"Mrs. Stamp," she told the teacher," this is Percy, he's a new student."

Then she left the room.

"Percy, you can have a seat next to Grace," a girl near the back waved at me," and we'll continue with our lesson."

I took my seat next to Grace and started listening to what the teacher was saying.

I know, wow Percy, listening, impossible. But I was slightly interested in this subject, so it held my attention. An hour later the bell rang and I grabbed my bag.

"Hey," Grace said," Percy, right."

"Yeah," I replied.

"Well nice to meet you, Percy," she said," would you like to sit with me and my friends for lunch?"

"Sure," I told her.

I looked down at my schedule, and focused for a moment, trying to put the letters in order.

"Do you know where American history is?" I asked.

"Yeah," she smiled," it's on my way, I'll take you there."

I followed her down a couple more hallways until we came to an open door.

"Here it is," she pointed inside, then whispered," careful, I heard Mr. Clark is a jerk."

I walked in and went up to the teacher.

"Mr. Clark," I began.

"You must be Perseus," I felt a shiver down my spine.

Only gods or monsters called me that.

"Percy, sir," I told him.

"Doesn't matter," he pointed to a table," take a seat with Miss Claire."

I sat down and looked at my neighbor. She had dyed blonde hair, that looked fake from a mile away, and an obvious spray tan. I mentally groaned.

"Hi," she said, sending me a flirty smile.

"Not interested," I told her.

"Oh really," she started, then Mr. Clark interrupted.

"Be quiet Miss Claire," I smirked as she glared at the teacher.

After that incident though, I hated Mr. Clark. He was incredibly boring, and couldn't stand any movements from his students. Being ADHD, that was a problem.

When the class was finally over I looked around for someone who could help me find my next class. I saw a guy standing away from others, so I decided to ask him.

I walked up and heard a few whispers as I passed people.

"Excuse me, do you know where geometry is?" I asked.

The guy looked surprised I had talked to him.

"Uh, um, yeah," he stuttered out.

He headed out of the class room and I followed him.

"I'm Percy by the way," I told him.

"Kyle," he barely whispered.

"Speak up, I can't hear you," I totally could, but this kid needed to learn to talk louder.

"Kyle," he told me, talking louder.

"Better," I grinned at him.

He looked slightly shocked.

"Hi," a flirty voice said. Its owner came up in front of me. She had on shorts that were unattractively short, and a crop top. She placed a hand on my chest.

"My name's Jewel. How about dinner, you and me?" she said," my place at six."

"No thanks," I removed her hand from my body, and flicked it away," and can you get out of my way?"

She began to talk again. I just pushed her out of my way. I followed Kyle down the hall. I was met by glares from the guys, and flirty smiles from the girls.

"Here's your class," Kyle told me.

"Thanks, man," I patted him on the back," I owe you."

I walked into geometry.


Piper: meandabook does not own the characters from Rick Riordan and Stephenie Meyer.

Leo: No fair!!! I wanted to say it.

Percy: Snooze you loose.

Leo: *Sticks out tongue*

Jason: Real mature, Leo.

Percy: *Sticks out tongue*

Hazel: Seriously?

Percy: I'm always serious.

Piper: Don't make me laugh.

Percy: I can be serious! I'll show you serious!

Piper: Now before we kill each other, this is all for "The Daily Demigod."

Leo: She got to finish it as well.

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