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Dear Harry,

I have never felt such a horrible pain in my life. A few hours ago, I watched as you carried your two duffel bags from our bedroom to the front hallway, placing them down by the door. Your body, covered head to toe in the dark green camouflage attire, took a few steps towards me, until our eyes were only inches apart. Tears were streaming down my face, while you on the other hand, managed to keep it together, just barely. Your arms wrapped around my body, tighter than ever before. My hands clutched onto your shoulders as I cried into your chest. I wished I could hold onto you forever, that you didn't have to leave, but I knew that you wanted to protect our country. I prayed that you would stay with me, like it has always been. I just couldn't bear to see you go.

You finally broke apart from our embrace, a guilty look in your eyes. "I'm sorry, I am so sorry."

My pointer finger wiped the lone tear that began to roll down your cheek. Taking a deep breath, I managed to swallow the sobs and pull myself together for a moment or two. "It's going to be alright, just promise me that you will stay safe."

You nodded at my plea, stealing one last hug. "I love you, Ella Wella."

A sad smile formed on my lips. "I love you too, Harry."

And just like that, you were off. The moment you left me, I became broken. I was no longer Ella without Harry to complete me. I needed my other half, my best friend, the love of my life. I needed the one person that made me the person I was. 

I needed you, Harry.

I hadn't stopped crying since the second you left. I sat on our couch, draining the never ending tears from their canals. I couldn't stop thinking about how hard it would be, a full year without you. How would I cope? How would I survive? I tried not to imagine you, my precious Harry, in combat. I couldn't help but worry about all the dangers you would face, how your life would always be on the line.

My arms trembled, wishing that they could wrap themselves around you one last time. I grew angry with myself; why hadn't I given you one last hug. How stupid could I have been, thinking that I could survive a whole year without one last kiss?

The streams of sadness continued to flow down my cheeks, until I was completely empty. I was squeezed dry, at least for the time being. I attempted to busy myself with something, but I didn't know what to do. I didn't know how to function without you, because I never had. You had been with me my entire life, up until this point, gone like cold turkey. The concept of being me, without you, was so foreign, so unnatural, and I didn't like it one bit.

I finally decided that I should write, because I had nothing better to do. I just wanted to forget all of the pain, but if I forgot the pain, I would have to forget you. And I just couldn't do that.

I already regret writing everything I have. I know that when you read this, in exactly one year, you will feel so selfish for leaving me, and knowing you, you'll apologize for the next three decades. Please, Harry, don't feel bad about leaving me, just know that despite the hurt and loneliness I am feeling, I am so proud of you and your courage. I know that one day I will be glad you left, glad that you chose the country over me, glad that you chose three hundred million people over just one.

When you are out in enemy territory, thousands of miles away, I hope you think of me. I hope you remember how much I adore you, how much you mean to me. I hope you remember all the things we have been through together, and that I will be sitting here waiting for you until the moment you come home. I hope you know that you are the only one, and will always be the only one. I hope you know that for every second of every day, I will be thinking about you, praying for you, and loving you.

Please be safe, Harry. Your flawless skin doesn't deserve to be distorted; your playful character doesn't deserve to be exposed to such violence. 

I really hope this year goes by quick; it hasn't even been a day and I already miss you so much. So much that it is almost too much to bear. I am trying so hard, just for you, and I hope you do the same.

I will write again soon.

With so much love,

Ella Wella


**Now you know where he went! I promise the next chapters will get longer and start telling their story. Please give me some feedback!

Read my FINISHED stories, "The Step-Brother" "The Teacher" and "The Boy That Saved My Life"!

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