At school

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Here's Michael. Sorry if his hair isn't spiky.

Joshua and Michael were in class, Geography. Joshua was (as usual) with his head on the table, thinking his own thoughts. He never paid attention in Geography. He didn't really pay much attention in any class but he especially hated this one.

Michael didn't really mind class, although he still didn't pay attention. He would sleep in most of his classes. He would only ever stay awake if he couldn't fall sleep or the teacher wouldn't let him (which only ever happened in P.E.).

Everyone (except Joshua and Michael) was learning about the Earth's core when the bell rang.

Joshua got out of his seat and went to wake up Michael.

"Hey dude, wake up. Class is over."

Michael groaned sleepily as he got up from his chair and walked with Joshua outside of the classroom.

Sarah & Rebecca

Before the movies, Sarah and Rebecca arrived at the mall looking for clothes for Sarah. They were currently in a store.

"How about this?" Rebecca asked as she showed the shirt to Sarah. Sarah quickly glanced at it.

"Yeah, that's fine." Sarah replied.

Sarah wasn't much of a shopper.
She just wanted to find out more about how to avoid Joshua. So far Michael didn't really seem like a problem.

"Hey, Rebbeca?" Sarah called from across the room.


"Can you come here?"

Rebecca walked over to Sarah.

"Do you have any advice on how to deal with Joshua?"

"Sorry, I think you kind of just have to deal with him."


'That wasn't much help.' Sarah thought to herself.

Micheal & Joshua

As Micheal followed Joshua, Joshua walked towards a student. He was small, skinny, and currently being bullied (against a locker).

"Gimme your lunch money or I'll pound it out of ya."

The bully threatened the kid as he raised a fist to his face. As he went to throw his fist at the boy, he felt his own fist get grabbed onto as his body flipped around and now he himself was against a locker. It happened so fast and he was scared. As his head hit the locker, he saw who it was. Joshua.

The kid ran away as soon as he could.

"I think this bullying is getting out of hand, don't you?"

Joshua said with a sadistic smile on his face. He really couldn't care less about the bullying. As Joshua moved closer to his neck, the bully tried to squirm out of his grip but Joshua was too strong and wouldn't let go. Joshua hissed as he bit into the bully's neck, loving the taste of fresh blood. He enjoyed himself until thought it was time stop. Joshua let go with a smile on his face, covered in blood. He walked over to Micheal.

"You want some?"


Micheal walked over to the bully, now sitting on the ground, holding his wound with his hand. Micheal kneeled down and put his head close to the already bleeding neck. Joshua had a smirk on his face. He loved it when he got Micheal to feed off someone, not the it was difficult. As soon as Micheal was about to take a bite, a voice stopped him, and caught caught Joshua's attention.

"Stop right there."

The principal said sternly. She walked over to Joshua (who still had blood on his face) and took a ruler she had in her hand and smacked him hard across the face with it. Then she pulled up Micheal by the wrist, and did the same. She knew that because they we're vampires, she had to hit them harder then normal.

"You two, detention."

"You. Get that cleaned up and see me in my office." She told the boy with the bleeding wound. This wasn't the first time this happened, and she warned all the students, so anything that happened to them was their own fault.

Sarah & Rebecca

As Sarah was watching Rebecca (who was now on the other side of the room) pick out clothes, someone was watching her.

"Hi." A man had walked up to Sarah.

This is the guy

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This is the guy

"Uh, hello." Sarah replied.

Rebecca had overheard them and was now listening in on their conversation.

"Do you wanna hang out sometime?" The boy asked.

"I don't even know you."

"I'm Cayden." He said as he held out his hand. Sarah shook his hand, still not too sure about this guy. She looked over at Rebecca but as soon as she looked, Rebecca turned her head, pretending not to notice them.

"Can I buy you a drink?"

Sarah was pretty thirsty, despite the fact that she had just had breakfast, and this guy didn't seem too bad. She didn't want to be rude but he did offer. She looked over at Rebecca. Rebecca had nodded, gesturing she should go with the guy. Seeing that Rebecca trusted the guy made Sarah feel better.


He had a big smile on his face as he led her to the cafeteria in the mall.

"Where do you want to eat?"

"Um, anywhere is fine."

He led her to a pizza place. They got their order and sat down.


Alright guys. So sorry that took too long. I'm starting the next one now.

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