Chapter 32

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When I woke in the morning Edward was gone. I was a bit miffed as I wanted to wake up beside each other, cuddle up and share morning kisses. Instead I woke in pain, discomfort and fought back the tears when I couldn't get myself out of the bed. Arm in plaster, injuries strapped up and stuck in a bed I couldn't slide out of or push myself up to sitting. Fuck the world, I hate my life!

"HELLO!" I yelled half desperation and the rest anger at being left alone.

I heard mumbling outside.

"HELLO! Can someone help me please?" I called.

"I'm coming!" Edward called.

To know that he was here and hadn't stayed in bed with me made me furious. I was immediately upset with him and decide I was going to give him the silent treatment but as he opened the door I saw the upset on his face. My anger was forgotten and replaced with concern.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

He shook his head dismissively and set about helping me up. "Careful," he said as I was helped forward. "Are you in pain?" he asked.

"Yeah," I replied trying to assess his expression but he never made eye contact with me.

He seemed angry. Maybe he was doing his princely duties and I had called out disturbing him. I felt like the mad wife, left in an attic to rot, who was demanding her husband come help her. We weren't even married yet and I was a hindrance.

"Morning sweetheart," Arthur said appearing in the doorway.

"Are you ok with Arthur looking after you for a few hours? I have to deal with something," Edward asked as I settled into a comfortable position.

"Yeah," I replied.

"I'll fetch your meds," Arthur said and left.

Edward busied himself with the blankets and pillows, not once making eye contact or engaging in conversation, his mind seemed miles away as he sat on the opposite side of the bed facing the curtains and put his shoes on. All I could see was his back, his shoulders seemed to be bearing the weight on the world and I knew I was the cause.

Maybe he had changed his mind, something had happened to stop him from marrying me. Maybe he had woke up and wasn't in love with me anymore, I had heard other people say that happens. I immediately felt like I had over stayed my welcome, as though I should get up and go home, give him some space and... I looked down at my ring as Edward drew back the curtains to let in the light, it glinted in the sun making me touch it with my other hand in awe as Edward brushed his teeth in the bathroom.

"Here you go," Arthur said appearing in the doorway. "Eat this first and then take your meds."

I smiled at the bowl of porridge on a tray, which Mary had obviously made. Tea, toast and a book. In other words I was to stay in bed for a while.

"Subtle as a sledgehammer," I said making him laugh.

I took a bite of my toast and sip of my tea as my tablets dissolved.

"Morning," Piers said arriving and knocking the bathroom door. Edward opened it and Piers entered it and closed it behind him. Was this common practice? I know he is the assistant/butler but was he in there helping him get ready or were they working out how to tell me I had to go?

Piers came back out and opened up the closet. Taking out a suit jacket, checked it over for fluff and creases, reached for a tie and re-entered the bathroom. Ok I was being paranoid... but I was sure Edward had told me he was going to be looking after me for a few weeks. Maybe that he meant before we moved here and he had to get back to work now. I would try not to pout.

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