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Sem tasted strawberry, sickeningly sweet strawberry, on her lips. It send a wave of nausea sweeping over him. 

Emma had his head in a vice grip, and she seemed unaware of his attempt to pull away. She was lost in her own world; her eyes were closed and her lips parted. He felt her tongue brush against his bottom lip, the distinctly unnatural feeling made another, stronger wave of nausea hit him. 

No longer careful,  Sem squeezed Emma's wrists and tore her hands off of his face. He then planted his hands on her shoulders and pushed her back. 

Emma's eyes were wide with shock. 

He would've worried, felt bad, about using force on a frail girl any other moment. But right now, there was just confusion, anger and alcohol rushing through him. An extremely explosive combination.

"Are you that desperate, or just plain stupid?" He was being louder than necessary, even with the music in the background, and he knew it. Yet, he couldn't make himself calm down. "Get it through your incredibly thick skull: I don't want you, and I never ever wanted you!"

"But I thought that you..." Emma's voice was wobbly and thick with emotion. 

"I know what you're thinking. You think you're every man's fantasy. And yet you still act like a bitch in heat. What is wrong with you?"

The angry words left his mouth like verbal diarrhoea, and Sem felt an immediate stab of regret. That was definitely too far. Even through his flare-up of anger, which was now dissipating quickly, he realised it. 

Emma's bottom lip was trembling again, but her expression had gone from hurt and confused, to an eerie blank stare. She got up from the barstool, and Sem thought she was going to dash. But then, Emma's eyes locked onto the coke standing near them on the bar. The bartender had delivered it earlier, while they were still talking. 

Her jaw clenched and she picked up the glass. Sem could almost literally see the plan taking shape in her mind, yet he still reacted too slowly to prevent it. There was a glint of unbridled hatred in Emma's eyes, as she threw the sugary content of the glass in his face. 

Ice-cold liquid dripped down his chin, and Sem cursed, rubbing his eyes dry. His right eye was stinging like a bitch. It got in his eye. 

"Oh, poor baby," a sultry female voice suddenly said in his ear. It was not Emma's voice, but it did sound awfully familiar. 

Blinking fervently, Sem tried to look up. Emma was gone, her place had been taken by a blonde girl in a black miniskirt. God, not her. 

"That looks so painful, your eye," Shannon smirked, clearly thoroughly enjoying his predicament. "And I'm gonna take this great opportunity to make it even worse for you." 

She raised the drink she was holding. 

"Shannon don't-" 

A second load of ice-cold soda hit him in the face. 

"Oh, and by the way," Sem felt Shannon's breath in his ear, "You were complete and utter shit in bed. Your dick is so small I felt nothing, and I faked it. All of it. Bye sweety."

Sem finished wiping even more soda out of his eyes just in time to see Shannon strut off, a bunch of laughing female friends following her. 

The sting of humiliation was nothing compared to the sting in his right eye. It hurt like a motherfucker and it was tearing up. Never mind Shannon or Emma. He needed get himself to the bathroom and wash that sugary junk out, asap. 

Matthew grabbed his arm as he passed him, grinning widely. "Bravo. Great show, Sem."

Sem only scowled at him, yanking himself free.

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