Chapter 23

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Laura pov.

''Why the fuck won't you tell me!?'' Ross growled out angry.

We were in his office now talking about the message that I got last night. This morning turned out great until Ross pulled me in his office and started to ask me about the message. He started to yell at me for not telling him, but I just can't tell him... I can't and I won't.

''I already told you! The message was for The White Wolf! And last time I checked that is me!'' I yelled back at him angry.

''I don't care! Something was in that message that made you angry and I want to see it!'' he yelled back. I swear I could see smoke coming out of his ears. He was turning red. His eyes were already pitch black from the anger. Which means that his wolf was trying to take over control.

''No'' I simply said and that made him even more angry.

''I am your mate!'' he growled out. His hands were starting shake.

''And!?'' I yelled. If he thinks me being his mate will help him he is wrong.

''Witch means what's yours is mine! Now tell me what was in that message!!'' he yelled frustrated. Bullshit!

''I already told you no! I don't care that you are my mate! That message was for The White Wolf and for The White Wolf only!'' I screamed and stormed out.

''Laura!'' he yelled. I could hear footsteps behind me but I ignored them. I need to get out!

''Laura wait!'' he yelled, following me, ''Laura please wait!''

''Go away Ross! Leave me alone!'' I yelled not looking back. He grabbed my wrist and stopped me. I slapped his hand away and stepped back, ''Don't touch me!''


''No, I told you I won't tell you! Why can't you understand!?'' I yelled and stomped away.

''Laura'' Ross pleaded. Huh... few seconds ago he was yelling at me and now he is pleading? I don't understand him.

''No Ross'' I said, not bothering to turn around and look at him, ''Just don't.''

I walked downstairs and was about to open the front door when someone called me.

''Laura are you okay? We could hear yelling from upstairs?'' Emma asked me. I looked back and saw Emma and Jane looking at me with worried eyes.

''I'm fine.'' I said and opened the door and stormed out. I ran to the forest and shifted into my white wolf. I had to get away from here, from him.

I ran as quickly as possible to the beach and jumped in the ocean. I shifted back and started to swim around

The water was relaxing and it calmed me down. But still I was angry at him.

I know one thing that can calm me and make me forget about Ross. Bubbles...

''Bubbles!'' I yelled and swam around looking for him, ''Where are you? Bubbles!''

I felt someone behind me trying to hide from me, but I knew who it was. I ignored him acting like I didn't see him, ''Bubbles! Where are you?''

I suddenly stopped and felt someone swim into my back. I quickly turned around and smiled, ''Got you!''

He smiled and swam around me happy, ''Hey Bubbles'' I called him and he stopped swimming, looking at me, ''Want to play?''

He nodded and jumped around, happy, ''okay let's play'' I said and quickly swam away from him, ''Catch me if you can!''

I smiled and swam away as fast as I can. He tried to catch me but I made quick turns to the left and right so he wouldn't catch me. I looked back but he wasn't there? I looked back confused. Where wa-

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