Life as we know it

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"You are my villain Randhir. Just because of you, I'm suffering today." She said holding him by his collar. He could see tears forming in her eyes.

"Next week is my engagement. I'll be leaving the college tomorrow. FOREVER. Are you happy now?? You were doing all these stuff only to hear this right? Now nobody will be there to challenge you. No one will be there to prove you wrong. (She left his shirt with a force that he couldn't balance and stepped back)

"You know what?? I HATE YOU RANDHIR... I hate you from the core of my heart. The only happiness which I feel about this marriage is I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOUR STUPID FACE AGAIN. Goodbye Randhir. It was not nice meeting you. Please don't come into my life once again."She said and left the mechanical lab even before he could react.

He thrashed down to the ground while a lone tear escaped his eye. Few minutes before, Randhir overheard Parth-Jiggy conversation about Sanyukta's father coming the next day to take her home and her engagement being fixed that weekend. His heart twisted in pain. He felt like his soul is going to leave him forever. His heart started thumping hard and his mind repeated only one word, SANYUKTA. He immediately rushed to the mechanical lab where she was working or rather venting out her frustration and helplessness. He went up to her to genuinely apologise for all that he had done and tell her that everything will be okay. But she, as soon as saw the main culprit behind all the miseries, marched up to him, held his collar and spoke whatever came in her mind without knowing what impact her words had on him.

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