Hanging By a Thread

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All these voices,
All these noises,
All these threats inside my head,
Keep unwinding,
Keep unbinding,
The intricate weave of my thread.
I feel my very spirit taring at the seam,
I've become way to damaged to redeem.
Feel the hem of my consciousness fray,
Must snip here..must snip there to survive another day...but it only lasts a second before I feel myself collapsing feel my soul contracting
Into nothing but a void..vacant of anything but a constant pulsing stream of rage red coal,
Feeding the demons that reside in whatever's left of my soul. The lack of empathy is really scaring me, but I can't stop the numbness from continuing to spread. It's got too far ahead and I think I might lose my mind before I can lose another precious thread...But the thought of insanity is strangely appealing to me and I almost want it to succeed..I think I want the numbness to consume me entirely.

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