Chapter 55 - The Gift

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Kastali Dun

Claire allowed Reyr to drag her through the keep's corridors towards what was undoubtedly the south wing, the place where King Talon lived. Initially, she was too astounded to protest. How was it possible? How had she done magic? She chewed on her bottom lip, trying to understand it. One moment Caterina was clawing at Desaree and the next she was slammed into the ceiling. Onlookers blamed the matter entirely on her. She should have disputed their accusations. She should have denied her involvement in the matter.

Arguably, she had never physically touched Caterina. Yet, with the same certainty as the crowd, she knew she was the one responsible. The moment she'd performed whatever it was—magic—it felt as if some of her essence exploded away from her. When that power left, a formidable wave of exhaustion clung to her body leaving her breathless and weak.

"Reyr..." They'd climbed a set of stairs that took them into a wide corridor. "I don't understand how this happened." There was panic in her voice. What was wrong with her? First telepathy, then Cyrus's voice, and now magic? "I swear I didn't mean to hurt her like that."

She began to pull against him the closer they got to King Talon's tower. Her own reluctance was mounting.

"Whether or not you understand what happened, Claire, it happened. You performed magic."

"But...I..." She fumbled for words. "Can't we stop for a moment to talk about this? Please! Why must we take this matter to the king? Can't we settle it another way?"

She stopped to face him. For a moment he gazed back at her, saying nothing. Then his face softened. "Unfortunately it is too late for that. You of all people know how quickly thoughts travel when sent telepathically. Did you fail to hear our king's command in your mind? I was told to bring you to him."

"Oh..." Aegan had dulled the potency of voices within her mind. She must have missed King Talon's summons amidst all of the chaos. "So he already knows about this? About me?"

"Aye. I told him the moment it happened."

Her heart sank. She felt betrayed, even though it was illogical. Reyr's duty was to his king, not to her. But that didn't stop her chest from collapsing. He must have said something the moment he saw what happened, instead of asking her first. He'd ratted her out.

"It was only an accident, Reyr," she whispered. The corridor they stood in was empty. She took a step backwards. "You know King Talon is going to make this more than what it is."

"And what is it? How do you explain what happened? How do you explain your use of magic?"

"I..." There was no explanation for it. She shook her head.

Reyr stepped up beside her. "Come now. Let us not leave King Talon waiting." He placed a hand firmly on her lower back.

She had no choice. This time her reluctant feet moved slowly. Each step felt heavy.

When they passed into the south wing, a feeling of dread came over her. It intensified with each corridor and staircase they strode through. The castle grew more lavish. Reyr led her down a carpeted hall. She glanced about, longing for an escape route. Opulent paintings graced the walls, enshrined within finely carved wooden frames painted with gold leaf. Each depicted a large dragon and a crowned woman. She passed several before realizing they were the kings and queens of Dragonwall.

"Reyr—" She gulped in air, trying to breathe. "You're not going to tell King Talon about...about my ability, are you? You're not going to tell him that I hear the Drengr, are you?"

He sighed but did not answer. They were already at their destination. The keep's soldiers standing guard at the tower's entrance parted their spears. She could feel blood pounding past her ears. Her palms grew instantly sweaty, and no amount of swallowing could quench the sudden dryness of her throat.

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