Chapter 21

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Kajal stretched in her seat, tired of sitting in the same position for the last two hours. She jerked ahead when she hit her hand on something behind. She looked back slowly and saw that the chair was empty. She breathed a sigh of relief and looked at her watch. 10 pm. She could do with another mug of coffee. She walked up to the machine, filled a mug with hot, steaming coffee and walked to the far end of the office. They had a balcony here as well. It wasn't good as the one back home but it'll have to do today. She leaned against the black railing, took a nice long sip and sighed.

"Haven't gone home yet?"

She turned around to see Vikramaditya walking into the balcony with a mug of coffee in his hand. She noted, "Neither have you."

He didn't reply. He just came and stood next to her. She looked ahead of her and took another sip. They were on the same balcony for the first time. Same balcony but invisible walls. Walls that she didn't want to break.

Her phone rang, breaking the silence in the windy balcony. She answered, "Hello?"

A crackled voice responded, "Ma'am. This is your driver. I am so sorry but I will be unable to pick you up today. I have an emergency I need to tend to. I am so sorry for putting you in this position."

She shook her head and replied, "No, no of course not. I understand. Please take care. I will find a way to get back. Bye!"

Vikramaditya watched the exchange and asked, "Ride got cancelled?"

She nodded and said, "Yeah." With that, she walked out of the balcony and back to her cubicle. She heard him follow her. He fell into step with her and asked, "How do you intend to get back home then?"

She reached her seat and sat down. She shut her computer down and slid her organiser and other stationery back into her bag. She then said, "I'm going to take the train."

He shot up one eyebrow and said, "At this hour?"

She held back a laugh at that expression of his and said, "Yes. It's only a little past ten. Have a good night."

With that, she got up and walked out. As she got into the lift, she saw a hand stop the doors and Vikramaditya walk in. She ignored him and pressed the ground floor button. He didn't say anything either. As they reached the ground floor, she strode out. A few seconds later, she sensed his presence next to her. She was tired. Tired in general and tired of being attracted to him. This was just not working out. She picked up her pace and asked, "What?"

He matched her pace easily and repeated, "What?"

She shook her head in exasperation and looked at him. She asked wearily, "Where are you going?"

He shrugged and replied, "The train station, of course."

"And why are you going there?"

"To walk my dog."

She rolled her eyes and kept walking. He said, "You're not the only one who can use the railway system, you know that right?"

She replied back as calmly as she could, "Yes. I know. Now keep walking."

He raised his eyebrows and asked in a softer tone, "Have I offended you in some way?"

She replied shortly, "No."

They reached the station and she walked up to the ticket counter to buy her ticket. As she pulled out her wallet to pay, she heard him say, "One more please. Same destination."

She paid for her ticket and turned around to walk away. She exhaled deeply when he caught up with her after a few minutes. As they waited for the train, she asked, "Have you forgotten you don't live in the same building anymore?"

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