Chapter Five

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It felt like there was a target on my back the whole time I was in class. I could feel Nathan's eyes boring holes in my back. It was extremely uncomfortable, to say the least.

I left as soon as the bell rang and sped out the door into the hall. I didn't want to linger in any way, afraid that Nathan would somehow find a way to get to me. He wasn't supposed to be here. He wasn't supposed to be part of my new life. I hated him. He'd just screwed up my safe haven.

The next two classes went by quickly, now that I wasn't under constant scrutiny.

I'll be honest; I was dreading lunch.

What if he found me?

I didn't know if I could get through it.

I decided to leave school during the lunch hour instead of hanging around. I felt better knowing I was out in the open, with people walking by.

My happiness was soon dashed.

"Hey, you."

I jumped. Again.


"Scared you again, did I?"

"N-no." I stammered. Dammit. "No." I said more firmly.

"Yeah, okay. Whatever you say, sweetheart." Will just smirked.

"You don't believe me?" Walking at a pretty steady trek, we'd reached the fenced path that led off school grounds.


"What if I said I wasn't afraid of you?"

"I'd say you're lying."

I didn't even get to draw another breath to respond before Will had my wrists trapped and my body pressed against his with my back to one of the fences bordering the trail. His green eyes stared straight into mine, twinkling with triumph at my deer-caught-in-the-headlights look.

I had lied.

Will freaked me out.

I was pinned down with no way out. I was so small against him. Compared to my height of five four, he towered over me. His broad shoulders could fit mine perfectly in between, and wow he was strong. I'd always noticed his biceps, but you could tell just how strong they were when they had you pinned to a fence. And his abs . . . Did I mention the abs?

He'd wanted to scare me, and he'd succeeded, but now ridiculous, less-than-PG thoughts ran through my head. Here we were, and if I just tilted me head up, and he tilted his down . . .

"Get a room!" Some kid called to us.

Seeming almost flustered, Will stepped back, releasing me from his hold. Before I could begin to wonder why he wore that expression, the smirk returned and he said, "See? I do scare you." He leaned down to me ear. "And I should."

And with that, he walked away, leaving me flabbergasted for the second time less than forty-eight hours.


"See? I do scare you. And I should."

I wasn't lying. I did scare her and I should. But I didn't want to.

Thoughts ran through my head the whole time I walked back to school.

It wasn't fair to her. I was an ass and she really didn't need to deal with me being on her back. I didn't exactly plan on that, but I may just have to stick around a while longer; until I figured out why she made me feel the way I did.

"Hey!" Someone called. I turned my head toward the voice.

It was the leer-er. Ugh.


"You're Will Williams, right?"

"Yeah. What's it to you?"

"Hey, don't be so testy. Just wanted to ask you something."

I crossed my arms and drew myself up to full height, which meant that I totally towered over this puny kid. It was hard to believe we were the same age. "What?"

"Know much about Hailey Martin?"


"Really? You two looked pretty cozy there." Something - jealousy? Anger? - flashed in his eyes.


Here's the key to intimidation, people: height, serious muscles (mine are pretty sweet if I do say so myself), and stony one-word answers to stupid questions (or any question, really).

"Um...okay, well, thanks."

I didn't even respond. He slunk away and looked to be going in the direction of the path. I looked, checking to see if Hailey was there. She didn't need this little shit hanging around her. I didn't see her, but something told me that she'd be coming back the same way and that this guy would be waiting for her.

I stepped in front of him when he took a step toward the path.

"What the hell, dude?" His gray eyes turned menacing. I just scoffed.

I still didn't respond. That only seemed to piss him off more.

"Fuck off! What's your problem?"

"What do want with Hailey?"

"None of your fucking business, asshole."

I kept my chin up, regarding him in cold silence until he cracked.

"Look, I just knew her a while back and wanted to talk again."

I knew he was lying.

In one swift move, I grabbed him by his shirt collar and held him up against the nearest oak. "Now tell me the truth."

"I-I-I, uh, uh, um..." He stammered. "I-I-I did know Hailey. W-we were friends, I swear. A-and she left. She left me! She was fucking mine, and she left!" His eyes clouded over, giving me a look into his soul. It was black. All black, with no good left. "Gotta make her pay... Gotta make her pay," he mumbled.

Fear coiled in my stomach. This guy was seriously unstable. No way was he getting anywhere near Hailey. No fucking way.

I tossed him back onto his own two feet, but not before I let my own monster out and leaned close, saying, "Don't you dare go anywhere near Hailey. Stay the fuck away from her, or you'll have me to answer to."

He scrambled away, clear fear showing in every part of him.

Goddamn sick bastards. They'd be the death of me yet.

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