Outside The Lines {18}

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                                                                                ***Dimitri’s POV***

                I went back into the house after watching Theo’s car disappear. I calmly made my way back upstairs and into my bedroom, sitting at my desk.

                I grabbed a blank sheet of paper and began to sketch Theo’s face, his expression clear in my mind. That terror and embarrassment in his eyes. I wanted to draw that, loving how expressive his eyes were.

                The drawing played out under my fingers, seeming to magically appear. It was a fairly rough sketch of his face, but I could fix that later. I just wanted to focus on his eyes and-

                My heart gave a little start as my chair was suddenly pulled backwards. I spilled out onto the floor painfully and blinked up at a furious Alek.

                She grabbed my drawing off of my desk. “You are a fucking faggot. You’re a freak. This isn’t even normal, drawing Theo’s face like this,” she hissed, tearing the drawing into little pieces and sprinkling them over me.

                “And that was looking like it was going to be such a good drawing,” I said with a sigh, looking at the torn pieces scattered on me and the floor.

                She kicked me in the side and I winced. I had to fight back laughter, knowing that it would only make the situation worse for me. Oh, a jealous female could be quite a terrifying thing.

                “How could you do that to me Dimitri?” she cried furiously, gripping my shirt and getting in my face.

                “In case you forgot, Aleksandra, you’re the one who pretends we’re not even related. So pardon me if I don’t feel a brotherly duty to take your feelings into consideration where my own love life is concerned,” I said, unfazed by the dirty look she was giving me. Ah, if only looks could kill.

                “This is the side of you no one else ever seems to see! You’re selfish and feelings mean nothing to you!” she snapped, slapping me.

                “If feelings meant nothing to me, I wouldn’t be dating little Theodore. I told you he didn’t hate me,” I said, unable to help my laughter.

                Alek slapped me again, rather hard this time. I mentally sighed as I heard Galen padding down the hallway towards my bedroom, drawn by the sound.

                “I could just strangle you,” she snarled.

                “Why does everyone keep saying that to me lately? Honestly, you people need new threats,” I said with a sigh. So unoriginal. I enjoyed creative threats!

                Alek slammed my body against the floor. “How long?” she demanded.

                “Not very long. I believe I asked him out the day he found out we were related. Though we had kissed before that,” I said, smirking at the memories.

                Alek punched me, hard, right in the jaw. I heard a terrified gasp from my doorway and didn’t have to turn to know it was Galen.

                “Daddy!” he wailed. “Daddy! She’s hurting Dimmy!”

                Alek shot a furious glare at Galen as we heard our parents hurrying upstairs. She turned to me and punched me again, furiously. Apparently it made her feel better, because she continued to do it, again and again.

Outside The Lines [boyxboy]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें