Once-ler!xShort!Tempermental!Reader! Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

It was a beautiful day, the clouds were all gathering together in the beginnings of a storm. Once-ler didn't care for the idea of rain, (Name), however, thought it was wonderful and couldn't wait. She was excited and ready for the water to drop heavily down from the sky. She pranced and danced out in front of the door, in the yard up a tree, even in a small nearby creek. Oncie hadn't seen her this excited before.

He shrugged, sitting and leaning against his makeshift house, stuffing marshmallow after marshmallow into his hungry mouth. He was about to offer a few to (Name) when she launched herself at him, she was squealing with happiness, covering him in hugs. It made the Once-ler feel safe, feel loved. The small girl jumped off of him instantly, as it started to rain, and she danced while it poured and began to sing. Her voice rang in the air and sent chills down his spine, in a good way of course, he knew that he'd be fine.

(Name's) (h/c) locks stuck to her face, clung to her neck, and shined through it's wetness. She gave Once a smile and twirled on her toes, he clapped at her performance, it filled him with happiness just seeing her there. Her dripping hair, her lovely smile, the way her eyes shone.

The Once-ler stood up and grabbed her, spinning her with one hand, and dropped to the ground giving her a nice place to land. The wind was knocked out of him, and he gave a loud grunt as she landed on his stomach. She rubbed her face in his vest, and laughed when Once jumped when a loud clap of thunder and lightning crashed.

The sky filled with light and the rain came down harder and harder, (Name), grabbed Oncie by his arm and pulled him up to bring him with her into the tent-house. She most definately didn't want Master to catch a cold out there, that would be terrible. He took off his hat and shook out his hair, leaving a huge ball of fluff on the man sitting in a chair. He looked funny, his hair was poofed out like an afro, until it decided to lay down.

(Name) crossed the room and sat in a chair with her back to the door, she had had her fun, now she could no more. It was time to watch over dear Oncie, and make sure no harm came over him and that he was safe. He unbuttoned his vest, walking slowly to his room to change into dry clothes, while (Name) snuck to the bathroom and pulled off her wet clothes, replacing them with dry ones. She made her way quietly out of the room and placed herself back in the chair at the table, and waited for Oncie who was would be there again soon.

"(Name)?" Once peeked out from a doorframe and sighed with relief. "Just making sure you weren't changing." He chuckled and and sat himself next to her, his pajama pants and oversized shirt looking cute on him. The shirt was grey and its sleeves were pinstriped black, the pants were grey-blue and thick stripes were at the ends of the legs. "So, you hungry yet, (Name)? I can make something, you haven't eaten anything today?" He gave a soft smile and something clicked in her mind, she nodded at him and said she didn't mind. After all, not eating all day could make someone hungry. It made her stomach growl and made her feel starving.

The Once-ler made food, it was all delicious, the girl ate it all and smiled a crooked smile. One that looked twisted and evil, Once felt a knot in his stomach the size of Russia, and he grinned and laughed nervously, it had started again. She was creeping him out, but he couldn't tell her that, she wouldn't like that. So he decided to change the subject and talked about pancakes, until the both of them were tired and fell asleep in their seats.

((Sorry this chapter is so short, and I apologize for the rhyming. I didn't realize I was doing it until I read the words over again.))

What the Fudge Bodyguard (Once-ler x Reader){Haylo}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin