Chapter Twenty-Two

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Jen's POV

After the unexpected encounter with the cousins, I had realized that Artemis was in fact trying to save me. I was just to stupid to realize it until now.

I stood there with my arms still wrapped around her, and I still had my face buried into her fur. Tears were still rolling down from my eyes as I continued to sob quietly. But, my thoughts were disturbed when I heard footsteps coming from behind us.

"Artemis?" A girl's voice called out. "What are you doing here? And... Who is that?"

I let go of Artemis and wiped my tears away. I saw my brother standing there with some girl that looked his age right next to him. I stared at him with confused eyes. "Griffin, what are you doing here?"

Griffin was about to answer, but the girl stopped him by shaking her head. They exchanged a look, then finally my brother sighed and said, "Carmen, this is my sister, Jen. Sis, this is Carmen."

"Oh, is this the girl you always talk about whenever you came home from school?" I grinned at him.

My brother blushed hard and huffed. Carmen giggled. "It's nice to meet you." She said.

"Same." I smiled at her.

"Sorry to interrupt, but, Carmen, there should be a room in the basement. It used to be my room when I'd stay at this house. Could you go in there and get me some clothes for me to put on?"

"No problem, Artemis." Carmen turned back to the house. "Come on, Griffin." And, my brother followed.

My eyes followed the two until something in the distance had caught my eye. There were two cars in the driveway. One was black, and I had no idea who it belonged to, but the car behind it looked like my sister's.

"Hey, Artemis, I'll be right back." I said and before she could question me, I was already making my way towards the car. As I got closer I recognized the license plate on the car. It matched my sister's. What in the world was she doing here? In fact, the same thing goes for Griffin. The only people that know about this place are me, Artemis, and her sister.

Then it dawned on me. She was sneaking around with Sapphire. I sighed in disappointment, and thought of what I should do. Should I barge in there, tear the place apart and get my sister out of there? Should I wait for her to come out?

Disturbing me from my thoughts, I heard vicious growling in the distance. I looked up and saw a giant jet black wolf with furious glowing green eyes walked out from behind the black colored car. I knew right away who it was. Too bad I wasn't prepared with my weapons. I really wasn't expecting to run into any wolves this evening, so I left all my equipment at home. Artemis soon came to my side and guarded me from the potential danger.

"Care to translate?" I asked her. Just in case the other wolf was trying to communicate.

"It's Sapphire. She wants to know what we're doing here."

"How about you just tell me where my sister is before things get ugly."

Sapphire growled again. She bared her teeth at us.

"She says your sister's inside, but she won't allow you to take her home. Not just yet."

"Why the hell not? Why did you bring her here?" I stepped up to the raven haired wolf. To my surprise, she didn't stand her ground. She stopped snarling, and lowered her ears and head.

"Jen, trust me, you don't want to know." Artemis followed behind.

"Artemis, just tell me. Did she hurt Luna? Is she alright?"

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