Chapter 1

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"Stop kissing!" Kian whined at Lia and Ethan helplessly. Then, when no one listened to him, he faced me, "Tell them Alyssa! Tell them to stop kissing! My innocent eyes!" Kian screamed deafeningly, running around covering his eyes. I ignored him hoping he'd go away. Seconds later, he came darting into me in his blindfolded state, and before I could budge out of his way, vigorously knocked me onto the tough ground.

"What are you? Five?" I screeched at him, irritated at his immaturity, as I heard Lia and Ethan chuckling at us.

"Yeah, five inches deep in your mom!" Kian mimicked the Five-Inches-Deep-in-Your-Mom Kid's vine in a deep voice.

As much as I struggled to stay cross at him, I soon began to giggle and I turned to see him grinning widely at me.

Kian, Lia, Ethan and I continued to banter as we made our way home after school; Lia and Ethan however, had to part with us soon as they took a different route home. I too turned to Kian after a while, and hollered "I'll see you later bitch!"

"Where are you going dumbass? You live next door to me!" Kian laughed and gave me that Are-You-High look.

"I'm going for a latte." I explained myself.

"Oh. Can I come? Can I come? Oh please let me come too!" He pleaded, latching onto my arm. Oh God. I told Ethan not to give him any soda at lunch, he's super hyper now.

"Just go home Kian! I'll take you tomorrow." I tried my best to compromise with the hysterical teenager in front of me.

"Fine." He gave in and started go walk away, but not before sticking out his bottom lip and giving me puppy eyes.

Honestly, sometimes it's hard to believe this guy is a 17-year old junior. I resumed walking and made my way to our local Starbucks.

A bell sounded as the automatic doors of Starbucks opened and I treaded in. It wasn't very crowded today; just a few undisturbed customers eating here and there. The aroma of coffee filled my nose almost instantly. I think I'll eat in today. I walked up to the tills to order my belated latte, but was surprised when I spotted an unfamiliar guy roughly my age behind the till; he must be new here.

I come here on Wednesdays each and every week to have a latte, so I know all the baristas that work here. There's no valid reason behind it, I just really like coffee. Hey, if a girls gotta have her coffee, she gotta have her coffee.

"Hi, what would you like to order today?" He forced a weary smile. I curiously peered at his name tag: Levi. I was extremely fond of that name. I'd name all 15 of my future children Levi if I could. But sadly:
1)I doubt I'm going to have 15 children.
2)I don't even think it's legal for me to name all of my kids Levi.

My mind began to wonder as I named all 15 of my non existent children. It was after about two awkward minutes of staring at the wide eyed guy facing me that I became aware that I hadn't replied to his question. Way to go Alyssa.

"Sorry. Just a venti non-fat latte with caramel drizzle, thanks."

"And your name?"


I paid and soon was given my latte, much to my delight. I found a seat by the window and began to devour my coffee. I subconsciously started daydreaming as I stared out of the window. Some time must have passed because the sun was beginning to set.

I glimpsed around, and my eyes landed on the guy at the till. This is fourth time I've caught him glancing at me. He doesn't seem at all troubled by me catching him staring at me- he even smiles at me before gazing elsewhere. He's crazy. It's always the crazy ones that they hire here.

Just as I finished my drink, I felt a presence sit across from me. I looked up. The new guy. Isn't he supposed to be working? Does this guy get paid for irritating customers or something?

"What's up?" He nodded at me.

"The sky." I retorted sarcastically, before standing and tossing my empty cup in the trash, then attempting to walk out of the doors. Key word; attempting.

My moment was ruined when I forgot that the exit doors were automatic and frantically tried to pull the doors open. When the door came flying towards me, I just about plummeted into the polished ground.

I could hear Levi trying to contain his laughter as I huffed, stomping out of the coffee shop.

December 29, 2015

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