Chapter One-End of January

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Ha! Auto-correct, the technological version of that telephone game the kids play. Valerie's thumbs wrestled with the touch screen of her phone to send her reply. I think auto-correct got you. Lol! She tossed her phone back in her purse and moved on to the next aisle where she was greeted by the scent of roses. Umm. I love the scent of roses.

Moments later, a few cheerful jingles announced his response. No. It didn't. I'm moving out of the house, and in with Wendy.

The corners of Valerie's eyes crinkled and she pursed her lips as she waited for the punch line in this bizarre joke of her husband's. Curtis, as far as jokes go, this one sucks, babe. She didn't throw her phone back in her purse this time. Instead, she stood fixed in the aisle, almost rooted to the spot while waiting on his retort. The humor of his joke must have been over her head.

It's no joke, Valerie, but believe me we're getting quite the laugh out of it.

Valerie gaped at her phone as tiny messages full of dread popped up one after another. What is going on? I must be dreaming. This is too crazy to be happening. But if it was a dream then why did it make her heart weep?

Valerie stared from her phone to her cart full of groceries that her family would need to get through the week. Her eyes lingered over the sports drinks that Curtis took in his lunch box and the snack bars he ate before he played basketball with the guys. Was he, in fact, playing basketball with the guys? If he wasn't, what was he doing? Was he doing Wendy, whoever that was, when he was supposed to be with the guys?

An awful truth dawned on Valerie, causing her mind to swirl. She braced herself against the cart to keep from toppling over. If this isn't a joke, then he's leaving me, and by choice. Curtis is leaving me for someone else; someone named Wendy. She shook her head unwilling to except that reality. It has to be a joke, a very messed up, sick joke.

This morning when Valerie dropped her daughters off at school, she felt the loneliness of her youngest's requirement to attend school all day, every day, like every other child in the country. This requirement sentenced Valerie, to ramble around the house on her own with no companions throughout the day. But her daughter didn't choose to leave her. Curtis was. No. It can't be true. I don't believe it. And I won't.

It has to be an awful joke, but what if it isn't? What if it is true? Her hands trembled so much it became a struggle to maintain her grip on her phone. A large swig of coffee from the foam cup nestled in the cart's basket helped settle them, and its aroma covered her in a reassuring embrace. But her stomach still churned around like that time she ate bad sushi.

Valerie's eyes darted around, taking in her surroundings, looking for the exits. A tear escaped her resolve and slithered down her cheek; its traitorous behavior threatened to give away the turmoil bubbling under her composure. She used a shaky fingertip to remove it with as much affection as any executioner had for a prisoner bound for the block. She must leave before she gave all the lookyloos something to talk about this week. Her ruined life concerned no one but her.

Straightening her back, Valerie attempted to remain as poised as always as she pushed her cart to the front of the store. Once at the service desk, she outright lied, saying that she left her wallet at home. All around her people went about their lives as if nothing's was happened. They acted like nothing was different, but everything may have been different for Valerie and her girls now. Pleading with her eyes, she begged forgiveness and received an understanding sympathy from the cashier who admitted she, too, had left her wallet at home before. The woman prattled on about each instance as Valerie stewed in visions of Curtis under the covers with another woman. Did he bring her to our house?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2016 ⏰

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