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"Shit, Clara" Katherine gasped, running over to the brunette.

"Is she breathing?" Katherine asked

"I don't know, I don't know" Clara whimpered as both girls looked at the unconscious blonde resting on Clara's shoulders, "She just came over to me, said her neck hurt and collapsed"

"Okay. This is not your fault. Okay?" Katherine said, holding the younger girls shoulders. She then pulled the blonde girl off of the young doppelgänger and then put one dead arm around her neck and the other around Clara's. As they exited, to any sober passerby, it would seem as though they were taking a drunk girl outside.

When they were isolated, Katherine put the girl on the ground and looked at her neck before cursing softly. Engraved in the neck of the human were the initials KM. Klaus Mikaelson. He'd found them and who knew how long he'd been watching them. All it took was Katherine leaving Clara alone for him to send a message.
"Clar, we need to bury this" Katherine said softly. Using her supernatural strength, she leapt in the air and slammed her feet on the ground, successfully dislocating enough space for the body to be buried in.
"Christ, Kat, ever heard of a shovel?" Clara breathed.
Katherine rolled her eyes and slid the dead body into the grave she'd made before pushing dirt on her and then placing heavy rocks on top of the dirt.
"Come on, let's go" Katherine said, running away with Clara.

Damon Salvatore sat in his room for a minute, thinking of how stunning Katherine looked when he saw her. He pulled the crushed vervain out of his pocket and sighed. Katherine was still running and he wasn't ever good enough to make her stop.

Klaus Mikaelson sat at an empty bar seat.
"I trust you got the photos for me?" he said, not looking up as a black haired girl with brown eyes sat next to him, handing over an envelope
"Do I look like an amateur? Of course I did" she said, sliding over an envelope.
Klaus opened them and smirked
Katherine and Clara entering the bar
Clara and Katherine talking
Katherine looking worried
Katherine leaving the bar
His little blonde distraction collapsing into Clara's arms
Katherine returning
The two girls talking.

Yes, Klaus mused. He'd finally get to kill the "elusive" Katherine Pierce and drain the brand new doppelgänger to the bone and this time, he wouldn't have any trouble with his precious hybrids

Who should play Klaus's "friend"? She is a 200 year old vampire and is more Klaus's rival than friend. Should she be Elijah or Klaus's romantic interest?
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