Chapter 27

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“So, here it is,” I said as we entered my flat. Dad's only been there like once before, so a lot of things have changed since the last time. New curtains for example. I've made them myself.

“It's really nice, just like I remembered it,” he said and took of his jacket.

“Well, all we have to do is move the sofa a bit, and I'm pretty sure that your mattress will fit,” I said and put down his bag on the floor. It sounded exactly like when Harry does that, which caused me to miss him even more.

“I really appreciate it Amber. Thank you.”

We decided that we should visit grandma the next day, since it was pretty late now. She hadn't woken up yet, so we could might as well visit her later. Sadly, she wasn't even aware of who visited her and when they did that, so we waited instead. School finished early tomorrow, so we could see her right after that.

“You know that grandma won't know we're there, right?” I asked my father as I looked down in my cup of tea. I might as well be honest with him, he can't have to high hopes.

“Yeah, I know. I just want to see her, it's been such a long time since I did so.” He looked down in his cup too, before putting it to his lips. I looked at him as he drank the last of his tea, I had hardly touched mine. I gave him a smile.

“It's nice of you. I'm pretty sure she's been missing you as much as I have.” He returned my smile and placed his hand on top of mine.

“I've been missing you too.”

Dad had brought his laptop, so we looked at some pictures on it before we went to bed. It was a lot of pictures from the beach where he usually spends his free time, when he has nothing to do.

“It's tempting,” I said as we looked at the wonderful pictures of the beach with it's wonderful blue water.

“Well, you know you're always welcome, right?” dad asked and looked at me. I nodded.

“Yeah, I know.”

I couldn't help but react a bit strong when a picture of dad and a woman popped up on the screen. The looked really happy, so it was no doubt that it was Caroline.

“Oh, right, this is me and Caroline,” dad said, confirming my suspicions.

“She's beautiful,” I admitted and actually felt happy for him. They looked really cute together. I actually got jealous of her perfect teeth and her beautiful blonde hair. She looked so nice. In fact, I think i'm going to like her.

“Yes, I know. She's a very beautiful woman. She's not only beautiful on the outside, she's a very kind human being too. I really hope you'll like her,” dad said, not looking away from the picture.

“I think so, dad. You have nothing to worry about!”

After blowing up the mattress and putting every single pillow in it's place, dad finally fell asleep. I could see him from my bed, how peaceful he looked. I was so happy to have him with me. As I was lying there, I couldn't help but feel a bit guilty. He has no idea about what's been going on in my life. The life of his only daughter. His only child. He doesn't know what I've been through, how my life has felt like a living hell. How scared I've been. How scared I still feel. I know that he wants to know things like that, just to make me feel better and protect me, because he loves me, and because that's what kind of person he is. But just the thought of telling him made me feel so scared and insecure. I didn't dare to tell him. I could feel a small tear escape from my left eye, slowly making it's way down my cheek. That's when my phone buzzed, causing my heart to stop as always. It was Harry, wishing me goodnight and telling me that he missed me, even though we would meet in school the next day. I smiled and wiped away my tear.

-I miss you too Harry. Sweet dreams. I love you xx

I putted the phone back and jumped slightly when dad started to snore. Very loudly. I had almost forgotten about that. I let out a small groan and placed a pillow on either side of my head, shutting out the sound a bit. This was going to be a long night.

I was in the middle of some sort of dream when a part of my brain managed to hear the sound of my phone that was ringing. I was half asleep, so it took a while before I realized that I had to answer it. When both of my eyes were open I swiftly grabbed the phone, not bothering to look at the number, just making sure that I would answer in time. Dad started to move on the mattress and finally opened his eyes too. He was just as surprised as I was that someone would call this late.

“Hello,” I said in a voice that almost became like a whisper.

“Is this Amber Carter?” a woman asked.

“Yes,” I said, trying to sound clear.

“Sorry to call you at such late hour, but I'm afraid that I have some sad news,” the woman continued. My heart stopped. Even though I didn't know what she was going to tell me, I had a feeling about it, so I had to pinch my arm so I wouldn't start to sob and scream hysterically in her ear.

“You're related to a woman named Violet Carter, right?” she asked. Couldn't she just spit it out!

“Yes, she's my grandmother,” I said with tears burning in my eyes.

“I see. Well, Amber the truth is that you grandmother has recently passed away. Just a few hours ago...” She continued to speak, but I couldn't hear her words. Everything went blank. I was so shocked that I couldn't even cry. Dad came and sat down next to me on the bed, taking the phone away from me so he could talk to the woman instead. My whole body started to tremble, tears started to stream down my face and I started to hyperventilate. I became numb. I fell back down on my bed and covered my face with one of my pillows, sobbing hysterically. Memories of my grandma and me together started to enter my brain, like a movie that showed every moment we'd shared. How we used to laugh together. It was all gone now. She wouldn't come back. It was so painful that I wanted to die too. In that moment, that was all I wanted. How was I supposed to live without my grandmother, my best friend? Dad removed the pillow from my face. He had finished his conversation with the lady. I could see how he cried as well, even though the room was pretty dark. I hadn't even turned on a single light. He didn't say anything, just pulled me close to his chest and wrapped his arms round me. His body was shaking too, because he cried. He'd lost his mother, I'd lost my grandmother. And the worst part of it all was that we hadn't even said goodbye to her.         

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