Drug Lord?

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Hey everyone! Ready for one crazy night? Hope you like this chapter, it was fun to write!!!


When I said it started with one drink I meant it, but let’s backtrack just a little.

“Why are we at a club?” I asked skeptically.

Colton chuckled as he hopped off the bike and looked around. From the silence I was receiving, I realized that he wasn’t going to give me an answer, so I hopped off myself and took off his helmet. The building was built with big old ugly bricks that had been painted dark gray. The sign on the side of the building sizzled to life, even though there were still a few hours of sunlight left.

Bad thing about Wisconsin; it got dark really fast when the seasons were changing from summer to fall.

“No really Colton, why are we at a club at five at night?”

Colton turned around and smiled. “I want you to meet someone.”

Clapping his hands together, he motioned for me to follow after him. Shrugging my shoulders, I fell into pace closely behind him. We crossed the street and stepped into the little club. I could tell by the dark walls and the many black lights that the place got crowded later on in the night, but it was practically empty at the moment.

A girl with crazy red hair and an exotic look on her face jumped in front of me and Colton. She wore a small bartending outfit that hugged her curves like a second skin, and by the way her eyes traveled down Colton’s body, she was VERY into him.

Not once did her dark brown eyes even glance in my direction, I’m sure she didn’t even notice me. “It’s been so long since I’ve seen you around here Colton, where’ve you been?”

I checked out her name tag, and in big bold letters was the name Caroline. Caroline smiled slyly up at Colton with a twinkle in her eye. My eyes traveled up to Colton who wore a boring expression. “Not here,” he said simply, shrugging his shoulders.

Colton motioned down at me a second later. “This is Sutton,” he said.

Caroline’s eyes sapped to me seconds later, first baring a very nasty glare, but then her eyes lightened up and a smile spread across her face. “Aw how cute, you’re babysitting.”

“No, this is my friend Sutton, from school,” he corrected.

The sassy red head eyed me once more. “I didn’t know you took in charity cases Colton,” she said coldly.

I raised an eyebrow in her direction before turning back to Colton. “Oh, I forgot to tell you I’ll give you your jacket tonight when you drive me home, it’s still in my room.”

Colton looked down at me like I had just performed an amazing feat. I had never seen him so happy in his life. “Well, nice meeting you Caroline.”

Colton grabbed my hand and led me away from the very angry looking Caroline and over to the bar. His eyes still twinkled like I had just done something as amazing as winning a Nobel Prize.

“Sutton, you must be picking up pointers from me, because that was awesome. I’ve never seen her look so mad before.”

Rolling my eyes, I looked down at the floor. “Well I must look like I’m ten years old if she thought you were babysitting me…”

Colton’s hand was under my chin and forcing my head up to face him in seconds. “She just said that to piss you off, trust me, you do not look like your ten.”

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