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Chapter Stones

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Note: The edit above is a nice reminder from LilianaAra for any of you going on a run soon. MOTIVATION.

Also, The Famoux is up for Story of The Year! Right now we're in 6th place, and the contest has somewhere around 20 days left (which means there's a LOT of time to get lost in the shuffle. I can feel myself ending in, like, 800th place already). I'm tracking the word "Famoux" on Twitter, so if you tweet that you've voted I will literally follow you and send you a nice message of my thanks.

To vote, you go to Wattpad's Twitter and they have the link. Thank you to those of you who told me they made a Twitter special for voting. That means EVERYTHING to me.

I know I won't win, and I've already prepared myself for this, but there's no harm at all in an attempt. AHH.

Now, where were we? CHAPTER STONES, THAT IS WHERE.

Quick note about the interview questions and answers: I typed questions out exactly as I saw them, misspells/typos and all. I thought that if I edited any of them, I'd be opening the option of me having doctored them in some way. These are your raw, inhibited questions! If some replies are short or not necessarily an answer, it's because the given character is any of the following:

1. Not aware of the information yet.

2. Mot allowed to reveal the answer for the next book's sake.

3. Totally teasing you.

If you asked more than one question, the character will give more than one answer, and those will be separated in different paragraphs. This was to insure we don't have massive blocks of replies.

Also, sometimes I give input to explain their answer or give my own thoughts. Because you definitely came here to listen to me. Not.


@ImAwesomeNotPerfect: Why are you so perfect? Why are you not real? Why are you not living near me so I can stalk you and Emeray's relationship?

Chapter: Why, I could ask the same to you, Patricia. You're looking pretty perfect to me.

Chapter: You mean to tell me I'm not real?

Chapter: You don't have to live near me to stalk––everybody's stalking these days.

@llJSll: where you and foster closer than you appeared to be / if you were able to sacrifice yourself in order for foster to live, would you have done so or you would want to stay alive for emeray / One last thing, I have a theory and I want to know if you agree with it or not. Do you think in the whole entire universe there is a love between two people or couples that is equally shared. Like both of the two people love each other equally without one of the person's love being dominating. I personally don't think two people exist that love each other equally.

Chapter: Foster and I were great friends. I'm not sure how this appeared, but we were close.

Chapter: Of course I would. So would any of us. Being a celebrity doesn't have to make you as selfish as people might assume you are. I'm sure any of us would've sacrificed ourselves for the people we love.

Chapter: A theory of equality. Well, I definitely think two people can love each other equally. It might be rare, or it might seem impossible, but I think it's possible. Anything's possible.

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