Chapter Twelve: Memories of a Traitor

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I whipped out my ice sword, holding it out in front of me as I braced myself for the other assassin to attack. Instead, she took three steps into the motel room, her eyes glittering maliciously.

"I'm here to take you home to Your Majesty, young prince." She told Glen, her voice sneering. "Queen Titania is very worried about you."

Glen made a laughing noise in the back of his throat.

"I'll believe that when I see it, Leena." He replied. "You should tell my mother that I won't likely be home for dinner, though."

The assassin, Leena, turned to me. Her billowing red hair seemed to crackle with energy.

"As for you, knight, my queen requests to see you too. She'll greatly enjoy watching her son's kidnapper getting turned into a sprite."

I shot Glen a pointed glare.

"See? I knew they'd say kidnapping!" I exclaimed in annoyance.

Leena shrugged. "My queen also told me that if killing you was the best option, I could do so."

My wings unfurled out of the holes in my jacket, humming.

"Listen," I snapped. "You have no idea what's really going on. If I were you, I would take your little brother and leave before things get ugly."

Leena threw back her head and giggled darkly.

"Your threat doesn't faze me, little girl." She said. "I have orders. I intend to follow them or die in the process."

"This isn't going to be a good day at work, then." Glen snickered.

Closing his eyes, I watched as his entire body was engulfed in blinding light. It took me a moment to realize that Glen was morphing.

Especially advanced casters learn the art of morphing; a spell that allows them to shape shift into their animal that represents their spirit. It was one of the most complicated spells in the book, and I blinked in shock as I stared into the eyes of a majestic falcon hovering in the air once the light faded from the room.

Glen now had specked feathers and milky white wings, his pointed beak opening as he let out a shrill cry. His eyes were the same, though. Those large green orbs still glittered with mischief as he extended his talons and dove towards Leena.

Caught off guard, the assassin flailed her arms in the air trying to wave Glen off as he tried to claw her eyes out. I took that moment to lunge forward while she was still distracted. Taking one of my Cold Poison knives, I plunged it into Leena's back. She let out a blood curdling scream. I felt chills ripple down my spine as Leena's hair seemed to explode, her red curls flaming in agony. The assassin collapsed to the carpet and I pulled the blade out, trying to ignore the scarlet blood coating the metal.

She fell heavily, gasping and twitching. Glen the falcon flapped his wings over her convulsing body, gazing at me with surprised, narrowed eyes.

"Don't worry." I reassured him. "She's not going to die...I think."

Cold Poison had an interesting way of working. It was first created in the mountain of the snow witch, a mysterious sorceress. When it came in contact with any material, it would freeze it entirely in ice. Basically, Leena was going to become a faerie popsicle. I could already see the frostbite covering her fingers, turning them a frightening shade of bluish purple. Her lips were next, and the color drained from them as her teeth chattered. The assassin reached out towards me with murder in her eyes, but the ice was already working its magic. It crept up her feet and over her ankles, caging her legs.

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