Sins of Summer

559 20 7

Site Lima-One-Nine-Echo-Three
Bighorn National Forest
Central Wyoming
United States of America
7 April, 2002
1300 Hours

The chair was pretty comfortable for an old 1950's design. Padded, good support, just the right height off the floor, swivelled, with castors for rolling across the floor. I spun in place, watching the room spin around me, grinning.

Donaldson swept by, watching me with bored amusement. Vollman was in the middle of swallowing down another propanolol, his forehead beaded with sweat. Kingston was looking at the floor plans for the entire site that I'd spread out on a desk.

Eight primary levels. Sixteen sub-levels divided into three sections. Four access points, three Event access points (one of which required soil erosion to expose), and eight sally points.

I stopped spinning and looked at the computer screen when it beeped for my attention.

"Gotcha," I grinned, leaning back in the chair again. I couldn't resist lighting a cigarette.

"Whatcha got, Sergeant?" Donaldson asked.

"I know where they're hiding," I told him, blowing smoke at the ceiling.

"Who?" Vollman asked. "I'm confused on this point. I thought you were looking for the entire CoG system master control bunker, but now you're looking for someone or a group of someones?"

I sighed, tapping my ashes in an empty soda can. "There's someone actively trying to stop us from finding it, and there has been since the 1990's."

"They've sent people to kill us, so they're serious this time," Donaldson said, lighting a cigarette of his own and moving the empty soda can toward him a little ways.

I spun in the chair, ignoring Taggart leaning against the door in a pair of overalls and sporting a swollen belly.

"They've been hiding something for decades, probably since the 1950's, and they don't want anyone to find out what they're up to," Donaldson said, "Now I don't know about you, but the idea of a bunch of 1950's scientists and control specialists operating completely without oversight makes me nervous as hell."

"I make you nervous," I snickered.

"You make all of us nervous, asshole," Kingston shot back.

The door opened and I slid to a stop, swinging back the chair so I was facing the door. Heather came in with a big grin, followed by the two SEALs who had accompanied her to medical the day before. She had something hidden in her hands and a big grin on her face. The two SEALs looked a weird combination of grim and wild-eyed, and I wondered what they'd seen in the medical section.

"Vollman," She said sweetly, stopping to plant a kiss on the back of his head. His eyes got wild, like someone had just told him there was a shark behind him. She winked at me when I gave her a curious look.

"This is gonna be interesting," Taggart said from against the wall. I glanced at her out of the corner of my eye and saw she was sitting on one of the desks, big boob hauled out and a baby attached, looking like she had the last time I'd seen her after we'd gone to see John.

After she'd been forced out in 1995 she'd gone back to her family farm and squeezed out like a million kids.

Vollman's voice broke me out of my meandering. "Yes, Chief?" He asked. Heather moved around the chair and held her cupped together hands out to him.

"Here," She smiled.

Vollman held out his hands and Heather carefully deposited something in his hands. "Be careful with him, Agent, he's a little confused."

Kilo-61 (Damned of the 2/19th Book 19)- OngoingOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant