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It was snowing on the day Pasiphae of Eo fled her coven.

Chapter One

The southernmost sector of Medeis celebrated the annual initiation of witches the earliest.

That day was today—cold as metal with savage winds blowing in from the nearby sea. All the witches in southerly Eo who turned seventeen years old that year were to walk down an aisle of fire and brimstone, awakening the ancient spirit that rested in their blood. It completed the witches' natural powers to become their fullest, matured selves. Rebirth, resurrection, the animation of the true soul: Pasiphae believed it all.

She had to.

Dust flew up as the crowd around her shifted, hurrying to close up the marketplace before the initiation ceremony began in the outskirts of Eo. Pasiphae wound through the aisles rapidly, her eyes locked on the tiny nook at the back of the market.


The old woman behind the stall startled from packing up her necklaces. She pasted on a smile, flicking her wrist subtly. Pasiphae might not have noticed if the movement hadn't caused the back of her throat to tighten with a bitter taste.

"Can I help you?" the vendor asked. Her eyes flitted from side to side.

Pasiphae gently placed two hands on the ledge, laying down a few silver coins. "I'm looking for some of your older stock."

The bitter taste loosened immediately as the woman did too. The common marketplaces had been on edge recently, with many of the other sectors shutting theirs down as a public health hazard.

"Oh, heartling, you should have said." A box thumped down. "I'm Cordella. Were you one of Dacre's regulars?"

Pasiphae grimaced. "I suppose. Where is Dacre?"

"Somewhere between here and the Ruqyah prisons," Cordella replied. "But she's probably escaped by now. She'll be manning this stall again by next week, don't worry."

"I wasn't worried." Pasiphae pulled her cloak closer, resisting the urge to shiver from the temperature. "I usually pick up a new bloodstone necklace for my grandmother every month. I thought I would do it earlier this time."

Cordella bent down to look for Pasiphae's order. "Right, your grandmother. How's Meira doing, by the way? I thought your face looked a little familiar."

The vendor talked about the Divine like she was just a regular old friend.

"Grandma is fine," Pasiphae said absently as Cordella passed her the bloodstone, wrapped in careful tissue paper. "Thank you, have a nice—"

"Wait, hold on a second," Cordella interrupted, still rummaging through a box.

Frowning, Pasiphae shifted on her feet. Daylight was becoming sparse, and she needed to get home before sundown. Her sister was no doubt already dressed and made-up, worrying about where Pasiphae had gotten to on a day like this.

Cordella passed her a leather sheath, and when Pasiphae picked it up, it weighed down, icy on her bare fingers even through the fabric.


"I have to get rid of some stock. For an extra bronze coin, I'll throw that in."

Pasiphae raised an eyebrow. She slammed down a bronze coin.


"Don't yell at me, I'm not late yet."

Pasiphae blew into the room, sighing in relief at the sudden warmth that enveloped her cold skin.

Treachery Queen (The Callistra Chronicles #1)Where stories live. Discover now