Solomon's Child Part 6

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Natsu and Happy Ran and flew through the streets of Magnolia as they made their way towards Fairy Hills. It had been two days since they had beat the shit out of Eisenwald and Lucy had finally moved into her new room which the two Fairy Tail mages were on their way to at that moment. Lucy hadn't shown up at the guild at her usual time and Mira had sent Natsu to check up on her, giving him permission to enter the forbidden territory that was Fairy Hills and check up on her.

Natsu's face twisted into a growl as he recalled his wounded partner. He had been beyond pissed when Lucy had casually walked up to their group back in Clover with both her arms and her left eye covered in bandages and her fingers actively bleeding. He was never one to put up with the sight of his family being injured and especially when it was because of something Natsu had done. If he hadn't asked Lucy to take down the barrier she wouldn't have suffered any of those wounds. She had insisted that she was fine afterwards but Natsu noticed that she would occasionally flinch when she stretched her arms wrong or that her hands would shake slightly when she held something. To Natsu it was clear as day that she was still feeling the pain from her injuries but Natsu was certain that no one else had noticed her pain.

So if Lucy was going to suffer because of Natsu's mistake then the least he could do was help her out until she was back at one hundred percent, even if that meant braving Erza's wrath to wake her up in the morning.

When Natsu and Happy reached the large building that was the female dormitory neither bothered to go right for the door. Mira had mentioned that Lucy's room was the very last one on the second floor so neither felt the need to go through the building in order to reach her; it was simpler after all to just go through her window.

"Up and at'em Luce! time to get to get to the guild!" Natsu shouted cheerily as he opened her window and referred to her by a new nickname he had thought up for her, Happy hovering just off to the side with his own cheery grin.

However Natsu's grin didn't last long when he saw Lucy. She was sitting against a wall with her head down and her eyes closed, her breathing telling Natsu that she was still asleep despite how uncomfortable she looked. Her skin was covered in sweat and her face was twisted in pain, a look that Natsu could understand easily enough.

She was suffering from a nightmare.

"Luce! Oi, wake up! Its not real!" Natsu shouted as he jumped inside and gently but forcefully shook Lucy's shoulders. Happy flew inside and was hovering just behind Natsu, a look of concern on his face.

Natsu was about to shout again in hopes of waking her up but before he could her eyes snapped open and met Natsu's own with a look of fear and anxiety.

"...Natsu?" she confirmed quietly and looked around, her eyes focusing more and more as time went on.

"Ya it's me, you ok Luce? You're looking pretty pale?" Natsu questioned his hand going up to Lucy's forehead to check her temperature.

"I...I'm fine, just an old memory coming back to haunt me." Lucy murmured quietly as she shut her eyes for a moment, her face filled with unspoken pain.

"Lucy..." Happy murmured sadly as he flew down into Lucy's lap, his big black eyes staring up at her almost on the verge of tears.

Lucy didn't say anything more; she simply placed a hand on the small cats head and began to gently pet him, earning a satisfied purr from said cat.

Natsu satisfied that the blonde girl was fine but slightly disappointed she hadn't confined in him about what her nightmare was, stood up and looked around at Lucy's room, curious about how Lucy decorated her space.

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