Chapter 9 - "I'm Engaged."

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Anders Larzelere's PoV:

Chapter 9 - "I'm Engaged."

My eyes pop out of my sockets.


And for a second I thought it might actually do. Literally as well.

Fuck. What the hell is she doing?!

I gape at her, not able to say anything.

She looks up at me with smirking eyes, her hand not even wavering the slightest bit, as she opens the small black velvet box, revealing a platinum band.

It is concave, curving slightly outward with an industrial, matt-brushed finish to it. The plain, rich, silver color of the platinum ring, contrasts against the dark velvet cushion in which the ring is nestled.

My breath catches at the sight of it.

Oh God, I never thought that I would be put in the situation to say yes, rather than await the yes.

This is embarrassing.

"What the hell are you doing?!"

"What the fūck is wrong with you?!"

"Are you kidding me right now?!" Are all the questions competing with each other to spill out of my lips, the moment I open them.

But, the moment they actually do open, only one word passes through the multiple filters that suddenly seem to have overtaken my brain.

One word that feels right at that second.

One inevitable word, which is the only perfect answer to this life-changing question.

"Yes?" The one word comes out like a question, the word sounding slightly uncertain and hesitant, even to my own ears.

Alarice's smirking eyes and cockily tilted up lips widen when I say it, and the way the happiness is so evident in her expression that one can never, for even a second, doubt it, makes me more sure and certain of myself, and what I'm supposed to say.

"Yes." I declare, shaking my head.

Suddenly, overwhelming joy fills my insides and my heart bounces like a soap bubble, making me feel light and almost floatable. The sudden joy is so out of the norm, so different and strange form what I'm used to feeling, I just can't control the endless stream of jumbled words pouring out of my mouth. "Hell to the fucking, yes!" I proclaim, feeling like all the pieces of the puzzle that forms my life, just fell into the right place, forming the most beautiful moment, in that second.

Her face splits into an enormous grin, as she bites her lip in excitement and she takes the ring out of the box. My heart beat echoes in my throat as I watch her put the empty box down and slowly reach out to take my right hand in both of hers. I blush like crazy when her fingers brush against mine as she grips my hand, and then, before I know it, the platinum band is sliding up my ring finger, and applause breaks out from the large group of three-hundred something audience.

I'm engaged.

She turns my hand and examines my finger with the ring, grinning mischievously. She then looks up to meet my eyes, and the way she looks at me, so intense and honest, with emotion so real and burning in her eyes, makes it all seem too real.

Like she just really proposed me.

And for some strange reason known only to God, my inner self seems to like that idea.

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