He has a Girlfriend?!

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Soon enough third year turned into fourth year and fourth year turned into fifth year. By that time Harry and Leah's friendship grew. Each day they learned a little bit more about each other, but Harry was still Leah's best and only friend.

Finally the day arrived for them to board the Hogwarts Express, but something changed that day in Leah's heart, she thought of Harry differently that day.

Leah stepped onto the train and waved to her sister and her sister's husband. She found an empty compartment and sat down in the cushioned seat. She laid back and sighed, 'Finally my fifth year!' she thought.

She looked out of her compartment and saw a green eyed boy with messy black hair and glasses walk past her compartment. Leah smiled and stood to open the door. "Harry!" she called, Harry turned around. Harry had developed some muscle over the summer and he was taller.

"Leah! How was your summer?" Harry greeted and enveloped Leah in a hug. She enhaled his scent 'He smells good' Leah thought then her brain froze "Wait? What am I thinking? We're just friends."

Then Leah quickly let go. "Uh it was fine. I've had a better summers though." Leah frowned as she thought of what happened this summer.

"Is something wrong?" Harry put a hand on her shoulder and her heart fluttered. "Uh no. Nothing's wrong." Harry pulled his hand back and the two stood in the chatter of students on the train.

"Oh, do you need somewhere to sit?" Leah gestured to the empty compartment behind her. "Err, yeah okay." Harry went for the door when the two heard a voice. "Harry! There you are!" Ginny walked over to them.

Ginny noticed Leah and glared at her. "Oh who's this?" Ginny had a hint of disgust in her voice. "Oh Ginny you know Leah right?" Harry turned to Ginny "Leah, this is Ginny, my err....girlfriend."

Suddenly there was a huge lump in Leah's throat and her heart fell into her stomach.

"Hi, nice to err, meet you." Leah croaked and stuck her hand out for her to shake it. Ginny took it with a clearly fake smile on her face. She squeezed so hard on Leah's hand she thought the blood circulation would stop. Then she gave Leah the death glare and turned to Harry smiling like mad.

"Harry I found a compartment for us to sit in!" Ginny said cheerily "Oh...okay then" Haarry sighed "I'll see you later Leah. Harry then walked off with Ginny clinging to his arm.

Suddenly the train started moving and Leah retreated to her empty compartment. When she sat down there was a knock at the compartment door.

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