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Your pov:

  I was walking down the hallway on my way to meet my girlfriend. Just the smallest thought of her made me happy, and that said a lot. Nothing seemed to satisfy me anymore, which I don't mean to feel, it's something I can't help. I was scared I was gonna make Alycia my full support system, she didn't deserve the much weight put on her.

Being so distracted in my own thoughts, I accidentally bumped into someone, colliding both of our books together in our hands. "I'm sorry!" I heard. Bending down to pick up my books, I glanced back up.

"Emma?" I totally forgot about her. I hope this doesn't make me a bad person.

"Oh..hi." She gave me a halfhearted smile.

She looked different, but not in an entirely bad way. It's only been a month or so, and she looked slightly different. Her hair seemed to be more brown, surprisingly gotten a bit taller, and her enthusiasm seemed to fade away.

  "I — uhm gotta go. It was nice seeing you again," she said in a rush with her smile slowly dropping. Without even letting a word go by, she walked past me, not once making eye contact with me.

"Hey, maybe we could hang out sometime?" I said, raising my voice a bit for her to hear. I turned around to see if she'd turn around to answer. She only turned her head, and glanced to her side to think, until she finally just nodded.

"I'll text you later," I told her, watching her turn back around, however, she glanced back at me one last time before finally leaving.


I was sitting in my new seat in class, because the
teacher wanted to "spice" things up in the classroom.

What a joke.

As the teacher was talking, I really did try listening, but I didn't seem to comprehend the words she was saying. I kept on getting distracted with my other thoughts and my surroundings.

Looking around the classroom, I spotted Camila to my right. The girl looked heavily invested with her notebook, scribbling like a mad man. With her being concentrated, it made me intrigued on what she was even doing. I knew she wasn't taking notes, because last time I checked, she complained about this class. Never once saw her take nots.

  With her instincts being on point, I assumed she knew someone was staring, because she quickly picked her head up and looked around. My eyes shifted immediately towards the front, feeling myself  stiffen from head to toe. Hopefully I didn't look to obviously under her eyes.

  Looking from the side of my eye, she was back to that damn notebook. All she did was write, push her hair back, then write, and write.

Bored to death, I started moving my sturdy desk back and forth making this squeaky noise. I didn't care if it annoyed other people. The class was full of boredom with their pale faces, droopy looks, and pure silence. Drop a pin and everyone could easily hear it. It was that kind of class.

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