"Game on, asshole"

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 Annette P.O.V.

I had always loved coming to the Callhoun's house becasue it's just so...huge. It's shaped like a miniature castle and the bricks are painted a light shade of pink; per Barb's persistance. The entryway inside leads to a large foyer connecting to the living room decorated all in red. A doorway leads into the upscale kitchen connected to the dining room. The study and master bedroom branch off of that. Stairs in front of the foyer and another set in front of the backdoor lead to a long hallway with three bedrooms down the hall and a play room. I used to call it Barbie's dream house. 

Adam's father greets us at the door and I barely touch the white tiled floor before the burly man pulls me into a bone crushing hug.

"This can't be little Annie!" He all but yells into my ear as he releases me and holds me at arms length, examining me. "You're all grown up!" He beams, and then as if remembering someting, his face turns serious and he drops down to my level, "If any boys try something on you, you tell me. Even if it's my son. I have a shotgun in the garage." He says, before pulling me in for another hug, and I can't help theeasy laughter that falls from my lips. If only he knew.

He may talk a big game, but Mr. Callhoun is really a big softie who has treated me like a daughter since my dad passed away. People used to joke that he belonged in the mafia becasue of his build and no-nonsense attitude, but he wouldn't hurt a fly. When he found out Adam and I were dating when we were thirteen he pulled Adam to the side and threatened him, his own son, that if he hurt me there would be a place reserved for him above the fireplace. If he knew the real reason Adam and I split there is no doubt in my mind that he would keep his promise.

"Logan, oh how i've missed your unending support of the NRA." I laugh and Logan joins in with me. Barb walks in and ooh's and ahh's at Cynthia's any my attire. It all feels so...normal. And it's been a long time since anything in my life has felt that way. As Logan ushers my mom to the dining room, Barb asks me to go fetch Adam for dinner. Groaning inwardly, I trudge up the stairs and all the way to the end of the hall where Adam's room sits facing mine almost like it is second nature. I take a deep breath and open the door without bothering to knock.

I take a step inside and notice that Adam is nowhere to be seen. The room looks pretty much the same as when I left. The walls are full of posters of soccer teams and models. How cliche. Clothes are strewn across the floor and clutter is spread out on his desk in the corner of the room. A picture frame turned upside down on the desk catches my eye and curiosity causes me to stride over to it and pick it up.

My heart stops at what i see. It's a picture of Adam and I taken just days after we became friends. Adam has his arms slung around my shoulders, goofy grins on both of our faces. My stomach twists uncomfortably as I remember how happy and care free we were back then and how much everything has changed now. Unwillingly, I find myself smiling fondly at the photograph.

"Well, this looks familiar." An irritatingr voice calls out from behind me. I jump in surprise and drop the photo from my hands. It lands on the desk and I hear glass shatter.

"Jesus, Adam. Don't sneak up on me like that." I breathe, clutching my chest as if to calm down my racing heart as my eyes scan him up and down. As much as I hate to admit it, and trust me I do, the boy looks good. A blue button down with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows adorns his muscular body and a pair of khaki pants clings to his thighs.

The guy had really packed on some muscle in the last two years and he was drool worthy. And by the look in his eyes I could tell he has the same train of thought. He slowly rakes his eyes down my body with an almost ferral look on his face that makes me shiver. As if just processing my words he pulls his gaze away from my chest and snaps them up to my face. His eyes widen and a boyish grin tugs at his lips.

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