Chapter 27: Take the darn jacket

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Chapter 27

“Yes mom?” I questioned my mother as she sat on the edge of my bed. She crossed her legs quickly before turning to look at me.

“Your father and I are leaving again.” She informed me with a sigh. I slowly placed my hand under my leg while sighing loudly. I may have over exaggerated a bit.

“What?” I asked, feigning shock. I knew it was coming, I just didn’t know when.

“Later on tonight, we already purchased the plane tickets earlier today. We’re going to be gone for another week or two.” She told me and I nodded my head, giving her a sad look.

“Will Aunt Cherry be flying in?” I asked and she nodded, running a hand through her short brown hair.

“Yes, but not for another week, you’ll manage, right?” She asked me and I nodded my head. “I have a few rules, young lady. Since your latest rebellion, we need to set a few boundaries. I know about you and that handsome young boy next door. You are not to go over there unsupervised and he is not to come over here unsupervised. I expect you to follow whatever rules Aunt Cherry makes. You also need to go grocery shopping; I wasn’t able to do so I expect you to do it.” She explained.

Did my mother think that low of me? She thinks I’d sleep with Adrian? Or do anything for that matter? A few streaks in my hair and I’m the next Brielle?

“Mom; I wouldn’t do that! Adrian and I are just friends, okay?” I assured her and she shrugged, standing up and walking over to the door.

“Dinner is in 20 minutes, okay? I’m going to go pack.” She told me and I just nodded, running a hand through my hair. I packed away my bucket list before grabbing my empty binder that I’d meant to put to good use. I quickly cut off my bracelets from today and dropped them onto my bed.

Retrieving my scrapbook pages from a folder, I inserted them into the binder. I placed the bracelets into a section and smiled. I retrieved the picture from the Halloween dance and the ones from swimming at Trent’s. I was currently printing the one Adrian took on his phone of us. I also took the pictures of Jessie and I and put them into the binder. I smiled happily.


When my parents left, I walked upstairs and climbed into the shower. I decided to watch a few movies until I could fall asleep. Adrian had left and he was wearing his black clothes so I figured he was going to vandalize several properties.

At 12 o’clock, I finally managed to go to sleep. About 20 minutes into my dream, a loud noise that sounded like knocking woke me up. I fell out of my bed, frightened at the abrupt noise. I slowly got up, rubbing my hip. I’d hit it on the way to the floor.

I walked to the window, rubbing my eyes and patting down my hair. I saw Adrian leaning out of his window, dangerously close to mine. Again, scared, I jumped backwards and tripped over my bag, falling to the floor. I heard his laughing as I slowly got up.

“What?” I groaned with eyes half closed. He seemed amused by me as he smiled widely.

“I got it. Fio,” He declared as I gave him a confused look. What was he talking about? “Remember when I told you I was going to give you a nickname?” He asked me and I nodded my head, the memory faint in my brain.

“So you’re going to call me Fio?” I asked him and he nodded.

“Does anyone else call you Fio?” He asked me and I shook my head, ‘no.’ Nobody calls me Fio. “Then it’s Fio.” He told me.

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