Days passed on....

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Randhir was sitting on his bed and sleeping was deprived from him today. how could he sleep when the only faces in front of his eyes were sanyukta and aryan laughing together. It was like his mind was rewinding that scene again and again. She felt the same jealousy what he used to feel when he used to see her along with parth.

He had surrendered to her completely and laid the pieces in front of her opening his heart out and she couldn't protect it. he was ready to give his life for her and all he expect in return was love and affection from her and him being her priority. he had never received the love of family but with her he had started to feel that he would have a family to call his in the coming years. when he would have to just see their smiling faces to take all the fatigue out of him and at the end be into her embrace where he could forget the world around him. they would live into a small abode which will be filled with ambience full of love. But she also came out to be like his mother. bloody career oriented woman for whom nothing mattered more than success and winning.

Days passed on and they all were now assigned with task to building a hover for their mission mars. Sanyukta was still the intern but she had tried all the ways to keep a track of what is happening in the team so when she will join the team she didnt want to stay behind. Aryan and sanyukta bonding grew stronger and sanaya and randhir were already termed as couple by everyone. Although these both were never bothered what others said about them. Sanyukta had cleared it to aryan that she wont be able to do justice to their relationship so not to keep any expectations from her side and so they will be just friends and nothing much. But aryan always hoped that one day she will except their relation and they can get together.

In all these days one thing that didnt change was nirman's behaviour towards sanyukta. He didnt leave an apportunity to insult her. he never appreciated any advice or suggestion from her, infact even if she was right he would prefer to accept the wrong ones and give them a second chance but not ready to give even one chance to her as she would always remain a theif to him who stole his team's fuel project

A/N This is only a filler part to get the story ahead. I know it very well that nothing significant happened in this update but will surely update something good in next two days

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