Ch. 30

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Ellie's POV

After getting my things together for the hotel. I pull Kaila into my room, leaving Knox in the living room with Ben.

"Why does Ben look like he's ready to pull his hair out?" I ask.

"Because he is." She huffs, flopping on my bed then shrieks and stands back up. "Gross, I think I just got pregnant with Knox's child. Change your sheets this is disgusting!" She yells, rubbing her arms.

I can't help but laugh. "I'm serious what's going on between you two?"

"Nothing is going on. That's why he's so frustrated. I don't get why he doesn't just leave, but he says he wants to get to know me." She replies, rolling her eyes.

"Ah, he likes you. Do you like him?"

"What does it matter? He's leaving on Friday."

"You like him." I tease, looking at her grumpy face.

"I definitely like him, he's funny, hot, sexy and a complete idiot sometimes. He's driving me crazy!" She whispers.

"You're hiding it well. I think Ben is about to explode and you look amused by it."

"Trust me, if he knew the thoughts running through my head he'd have me on my back in seconds and I wouldn't be able to resist." She admits.

"You look miserable and so does Ben. He's here until Friday you won't be able to hold him off much longer by the looks he's giving you. Why not enjoy him until Friday?" I ask, shrugging.

She groans. "Because I don't want to care when he leaves. He's not going to be forgettable like every other guy, he's different."

"Kaila! Snap out of it! You're going to have to take a chance on someone, eventually. Why not Ben? He's a great guy."

"Whatever. What's up with the you and the big guy? And I don't need details on the buckets of man juice on your bed." She says, looking at the bed repulsed.

"Well, I'm moving with him on Friday and I talked to my boss and I get to stay on as his writer from Pittsburgh!" I say, excitedly.

"That's great. I'm happy for you." She replies, hugging me. "One more thing, are you being safe?"


"Yeah, safe. Are you using condoms? Or are you on the pill?"

"No, we haven't used anything. Its the wrong time for me, but I need to tell him to start wearing them."

"Do you have any?"


"Come with me." She orders, opening the door.

I follow her to her room and she opens her dresser drawer and tosses me a box of condoms. "Thanks." I say, gratefully and shove them in my bag just as Knox comes to the door.

"Hey, love. Are you ready?"

"Yep, let's go. Good luck Kaila." I whisper on the way out.

Knox takes my bag from me and I say goodbye to Ben. At his truck, Knox opens the door for me and I climb in with his assistance. I watch him walk around to his side of the truck. Now, that Kaila brought up the subject of protection I keep thinking, what if I am? Would Knox be upset? It's too soon in our relationship to start thinking about having kids. Although, I know I wouldn't want anyone else to be the father of my children. I love him, its just not the time to start a family. I have my work and I would like to be married first.

"What are you thinking about over there?" Knox asks, smirking at me.

I blush. "Nothing."

"I've missed that blush." He says. "Tell me."

Meeting EllieHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin