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Disclaimer: This is part of an original piece of fiction, one year in the making. It belongs to me, so please do not steal it. Thank you.

2022 Added Disclaimer As I Am Exhausted: August is BISEXUAL.



Early August, Later that Summer


As I leave the movie theatre, summer's humidity in full swing and Aiden just behind me, I turn my phone back on and find three missed calls and several texts- all from Kyle and Jonathon.

"Is your phone-"

"Going insane?" finishes Aiden. "Yeah."

"Those two are ridiculous."

We walk to his car, scenes from the latest extravagant action summer blockbuster playing over in my mind. We climb in and get situated, and as he turns the car on and I get hit with the first blast of icy air, I can only think of one thing.

"I still think the flamethrower was a bit much."

He chuckles. "Where could they have gotten it?"

"Civilians, man. They're crafty. Who knows?"

He's still squinting in that way where I can tell he's thinking about it too hard, so I try my best to interrupt.

"I don't know, maybe we're just not supposed to notice and talk about it."

"What, like the bad guy's horrible accent?" he asks with a wry smile.

"Sh," I hush him, sliding a hand over his mouth. "Don't talk about it, you might make it worse."



"Fine," he says, muffled into my palm, rolling his eyes.


His phone goes off again from its usual seat in the front cup holder, announcing with a familiar chime that Kyle is dying for attention.

He picks it up and opens the message, smiling as he holds it out for me to see:

Listen, Lover Boy, you two promised you'd come over.

"So... do you want to keep them waiting for a little longer? See if they've started fighting before we show up?"

"No, we should probably head over now."

"You think?"

"I do, yeah."


We walk into Jonathon's house, greeted by the sound of him going on about something or another, and as we round the corner into the hall that holds his room, we almost knock into Kyle, who is holding a box under one arm and leaning on his cane with the other.

"Hey, watch where you're going," he grunts, turning to face us. "Oh, come on. Jonathon! Guess who's finally here!"

"Is it the Lovers, numbers one and two?"

"I hate that," I groan loudly so he can hear. "Why can't you just call us something else?"

"Why?" asks Jonathon from still inside his room. "I think it fits you."

"I don't care," I start, but as one of Aiden's arms slips around my waist, and his nose nuzzles into the top of my head, I stop talking, letting my bright red cheeks finish for me.

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