Part 18: Something Wicked This Way Comes

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Abby's look on the left and Lilys dress on the right. Abby's original song is hurt by Christina Aguilera but you'll find out why it turns into the dance above.

It's finally Saturday! I never used to get nervous about dancing, even in front of people

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It's finally Saturday! I never used to get nervous about dancing, even in front of people. But my mate is going to be there, watching me. What if I fall on my face and it's forever deformed? He would still want me even if I looked like et right?

"Abby stop that!"

"Huh, stop what? Oh.." I asked Lily as I realized I had spaced off while doing her hair and over teased her bump. Yeah.. Let's just say that it's not pretty.. I quickly fixed her hair and started on mine.

"So are you excited?? I know I am! This is the first time I'll ever be singing in front of people. Oh my Goddess! What if I am actually terrible at singing and everybody laughs at me??" She starts freaking out over every little thing that could go wrong. I had to put my hair down and grab her by the shoulders. She stopped and looked at me. "You will do great princessa. I've heard you sing and you are amazing! Just trust in your self." Lena laughed at me. Your one to talk. She scoffs. I took my eyes and finish my hair. It's a simple knot bun. I start on my makeup and create a brown smokey eye with a little blush and nude lips.

I put on green and white flowy cinch waist dress that goes down to above my knees in the front and down to my ankles in the back I also have black spandex on underneath because let's face it, with the moved im doing everyone's going to get a glimpse of down there. Lily is wearing a simple black skater dress with her hair in loose waves and a bump on her head. I grab my ballet shoes but put them in my bag and wear white flats for now and Lily grabs black heels with a sparkly yellow clutch.

"You ready to go chickita?" I ask her and she nods. I grab her hand and go downstairs. Calum, Elliot, and Luke await at the bottom. Luke is wearing a black tank top under a blue button up and black jeans, Elliot had a green polo shirt on and dark grey cargo jeans, while Calum wore a black t shirt with khakis. I jump into Luke's arms and give him a kiss on the cheek before getting down, buy he just grabs my face and plants one on my lips. My face gets really hot. When I pull away Elliot and Calum are going at it now. I chuckle as Lily cries for her innocence.

"We have to go guys. We don't have all day to wait for lip locking!" Lily whines.

"Your just jealous that you don't have a mate yet!" Calum says as he pinches her cheeks, making her blush a cherry red. Lily was devastated when she found out about Calum and Elliot she still has a little crush on Calum. Definitely in denial.

We ride to the showcase in silence. They hadn't had the showcase at the school, however it was on a beach along the coast. There were hundreds of chairs in front of a huge stage, every few rows raised on platforms for better views. The stage was relatively low, about knee height standing up so everybody in the lower seats could see. The show had started at 1:00 but there were so many people performing that we all agreed not to come until closer to our timeslots. There were 75 slots and they get four minutes each to do their thing. The whole thing was a five and a half hour show including the breaks. We arrived at about 5:00 and there was a ten minute break before Lily performed so we all went backstage to warm up and the boys were there for support since they weren't performing. As Lily was doing breathing exercises, I stretched.

"Are your parents coming Abbs?" Elliot asked. Nobody but Calum knew about the fight and the mention of them not coming brought years in my eyes. I think Luke was about to say something but Calum shot everyone a look saying to leave it alone and they did.

"Oh my god! Stephanie Lowett is here!! I saw her in the audience with a clip board writing stuff down as people performed!!" I heard some girl I don't know say looking as if she might pass out. I walked over to her and tapped on her shoulder. "Who's this Stephanie chick?" She gasped at me. "Chick? This is not some chick. She's the director at Juilliard! That school is really tough to get into and she is here!" I thanked her and walked back to my friends. Maybe someone from here will be lucky enough to get in.

Someone came and told Lily that she was on in two minutes. Lily looked as if she were going to pass out. I wrapped her in my arms.
"Breathe for me princessa. You look great and you sound even better! You'll do great." She took a deep breath and nodded. "Good now get that pretty little ass off yours on that stage and do your thing!" I pushed her over to the side of the stage and she bear hugged me once more and gracefully walked to the microphone. She started to sing Pretty Hurts by Beyonce. She sounded amazing! I cheered for her and chapped with everyone else as the song ended. She waved to the crowd and hurried away. She ran and jumped on me holding in squeals because everyone would be able to here it.

"Get your fat ass off me you walrus!" I said trying to shove her off.

"Whatever you say, little clone!" The boys looked confused until they snapped out of it and hugged Lily in congratulations.

It was 5:30 and they had announced that there would be a five minute break and then the finale. I'm the finale of course. As I tied up my ballet shoes, Kelsie and her groupies walked up to me and smirked. "Something wicked this way comes." I mumble, knowing they heard me.Than they just walked away. That scares the hell out of me but I had to perform in two minutes and I couldn't be in a worried state of mind. I hugged Lily and the boys as they wished me luck. I walked onto stage, i froze when i saw my parents and smiled then got onto my knees with my arms spread out. The song Hurt starts and I dance until not even 30 seconds later the music stops and is replaced by the sound of screeching and a bunch of other noises that were like nails on a chalkboard and everybody was clutching their ears.

"This is the finale? She's pathetic! Loser. Bitch. Man stealer." That phrase kept repeating until somebody shut it off.

I stood there with tears in my eyes. My father got on stage and grabbed my wrist. The whole crowd was in a commotion about what just happened.

"I told you Abigail. Maybe you'll listen next time." He said as he started pulling me away.

A hand grabbed my shoulder as we stepped off the stage and when I turned around it was Luke.

He let go and held his hand out to me.

"Come on, isn't it time to start fighting for what you want?" I looked at my dad and back at Luke. Is this what I want? Then I realized that in fact it's exactly what I want. I yanked my hand from my father's grasp and grabbed Luke's hand.

"Abby?" But I didn't look back at my father.

"What are y.." I started but he shushed me and took his button up off leaving him in his tank top. He doesn't know how to dance does he? But a new song came on and everybody quieted down and focused on us but all I focused on was him as we started dancing. We were so in sync with each other and our bodies flowed so naturally together. It was the perfect scene because the sun was setting behind us.

When we ended he was on top of me and our breaths were mingling. Everybody cheered and gave us a standing ovation.
Elliot, Calum and Lily ran out and we did a big group hug. Everybody that performed came on stage and joined the hug and cheered along.

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