Chapter 29

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Austin's POV

Once I parked my car, I knocked on the door. Patting my foot on the mat while I waited for a response.

"Well well well, look who it is"


"Good evening John." I said politely.

"What are you doing here?" He asked rather harshly.

"Umm... I need to talk to Kylie..." I responded.

"You know, it's rude to come to someone's house at this time just to 'talk'" he spat.

And its rude to invite someone ex boyfriend to their own house you asshole.

"Kylie was the one who called me" I explained while I glanced at my watch. It's not that late.

John let me in and went up the stairs.

"Arnold is here" I heard John say.

"Austin, John. His name is Austin" Kylie said angrily and stomped down the stairs.

"Hey" she sighed and gave me a tight hug.

"Hey babe" I mumbled, taking in her delicious scent.

John came downstairs and just stood there, starring at us.

Is this guy serious?

"Umm... John?" Kylie turned around to face him.


"Erm... Can you give us some privacy?" She pleaded.

John sighed, "Sure I'll be in the kitchen."

Kylie turned back to me and rolled her eyes once John left.

"So tell me" I began, taking Kylie's hand and directing us towards the living room.

Kylie told me how John called Taylor and how he showed up.

"How could John do this to you? I thought he was a good cousin because of how you reacted when you saw him when we got here this afternoon."

"Well, I have now changed my mind about him." Kylie said loudly, probably for John to hear.

I chuckled. "Hm... Babe?"

She turned to me, "Yeah?"

"If you're so mad at him that means you wouldn't want to be around him..."

"And by that you mean...?" Kylie asked, slowly raising an eyebrow.

"Come stay with me." I smiled at her and winked.

"Austin, I can't. My mom will be here any minute." She frowned.

We heard a car engine and saw the headlights of a car entering the parking lot.

"There she is" Kylie said and stood up to open the door and receive her mother.

"Hey sweetheart" Katherine said and kissed Kylie on the cheek.

"Hi mom" she replied.

"Where's John?" She asked and entered the living room.

"Oh! Hello Austin." Katherine smiled.

"Hello Katherine" I replied with a grin.

"Would you mind helping me with the groceries my dear?" She asked.

"Of course" I stood up and went to the trunk of her car.

*Kylie's POV*

"Thanks babe" I kissed Austin on his cheek while he carried the last bags into the kitchen. John was busy watching a football game and mom was making some pasta.

Suddenly, Austin's cellphone began to vibrate in his pocket.

"Hello?" He said through the phone.

"Yes... At Kylie's, why?... Oh ok...ok...yeah...okay." He then hung up.

"I have to go, my mom is waiting for me." He sighed.

My mom frowned, "you don't want to stay for dinner?"

"I'd love to Mrs. Carter-"

"Katherine" mom corrected.

Austin smiled, "Katherine. But my mom works a lot and she barely gets to see me."

"Oh ok, I understand. Hope to see you soon then" Mom grinned and hugged Austin.

"Um... Bye, John."

"Mhm" he said, his eyes focused on the T.V.

I took Austin's hand as we walked towards the door.

"I wish you could stay in my house" Austin pouted once I closed the door behind me.

I sighed, "me too"

"Well, see you tomorrow at school." He half smiled.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed my lips into his. Austin kissed back immediately. I decided to pull away, because if I didn't, I knew we weren't going to stop.

"I love you" he whispered, his face still close to mine.

A thousand butterflies erupted in my stomach.

"I love you too." I said and pecked him in the lips once more.

Once I was inside the house, I went directly to my room. Gosh, I have to catch up on all my homework.

* * *

"Lexi, the answer is eighteen not thirty four!" I exclaimed through the phone.

"Kylie, listen to me. You have to multiply the final answer not divide it!" She fired back.

"Ugh!" I groaned into my pillow. "Why is algebra so hard?!"

"Which other homework are you missing?" She asked.

"Erm..." I flipped through my agenda. "I already did English and History. I'm missing Biology and this algebra problem"

"History? We don't have any history homework"

"Yes, I know. It's from last week, I just forgot to do it but the teacher gave me extra time since it's the first time it happens to me." I explained.

"Oh ok. I wonder why you forgot to do it." Lexi said sarcastically.


"The two lovebirds have been too busy lately." She sighed.

I rolled my eyes even though she couldn't see me and opened my biology notebook. Ive decided to skip this algebra problem.

"Have you guys... You know..."


"Have you had..."

"Lexi!" I gushed, feeling my face grow warm.

"Have you?!" She pressed.

"Ugh, no!"

"Too bad..."


"Do you think he's still a virgin?" Lexi wondered out loud.

"Alexis Conlon!" I giggled "What do you care?!"

"Just asking" she mumbled.

I chuckled. "Well, let me do Biology. Ciao"

"Okay. But you have to tell me if you guys have-"

I hanged up with a laugh.

At least, talking to Alexis cheered me up a little. I felt like it has been weeks since the last time we talked.

I started thinking about that time when I was at Austin's and we almost had... sex. Wait.

His computer.

"Kylie! Dinner's ready!" Mom shouted from downstairs interrupting me from my thoughts.

"Coming!" I shouted back. I ran down the stairs and entered the dining room. Mom and John were already seated. I quietly got over and sat beside John.

"Hello, sorry I'm late." Dad said entering the room. God, he worked so much.

He got to me and kissed my cheek. "Hi dad." I smiled at him.

"Hello princess." He smiled back.

He then got to mom and kissed her.

"Hey honey, I made pasta." Mom said, nodding towards the bowl full of pasta.

"Great! I'm very hungry." Dad said while taking a seat. "Hello John."

"Hey Uncle Richard, busy day huh?" John asked.

"Yes, very." Dad looked exhausted.

"Well, lets eat." Mom finally said.

We all served our food on our plates and started eating. Then, I decided to take a shot and break the ice.

"Uhh- Um, dad, mom?"

"Yes honey?" Mom answered for both of them.

"You see, Austin, right?"

"Yes?" Mom grinned.

"What boy?" Dad immediately asked.

"Austin, Kylie's friend." Mom told dad.

"Well, he's my boyfriend now." I declared.

My mom's lips turned into a bright smile, "Oh Kylie, that's great!"

"What?" Dad asked, completely confused. "What happened to Taylor?"

John shifted uncomfortably on his seat.

"Well, we got into an argument and, we figured out that... We weren't right for each other anymore."

Mom cleared her throat, obviously knowing that this isn't the truth.

"I would like to meet this kid." My dad suddenly said.

"Yes! Let's invite him to dinner. What about this Thursday?" Mom asked me.

"Sure, I'll ask him." I said, finally finishing my pasta. "Well, I'm kind of tired, so I'll go to sleep now."

"Ok. Goodnight honey." Mom smiled at me.

"Goodnight." I got up from my seat and got to my room. When I entered, I shut my door and locked it. I got to my bed, took my phone and dialed Austin's number, remembering about the video in his computer.

Wait... What will I tell Austin?

"Hey babe, I wanted to know if that video in which we almost had sex is still in your computer?"

What if he didn't want to delete it? Or worse... What if I didn't do well...? I can't make a fool out of myself!

I quickly pressed end.


Plan A: Forget about the video and act like if it doesn't bother me.

Plan B: Call Austin and tell him to delete the video ASAP.

Plan C: Go to Austin's and covertly delete the video.

Well, plan A is not an option since it does bother me. Plan B can't be since Austin will think that I'm ashamed of making out with him. I guess I'll go with plan C and call a cab.

Taking out my big Juicy Couture bag, I rapidly put in my outfit for the next day, a comb, and makeup.

I took a deep breath before changing my pajama shorts into jeans and putting my cell phone in my pocket. After slipping my sandals on and putting some money in my free pocket, I opened the window and looked down. Hmm... It doesn't look that bad; I just have to step on the bricks below my window, swing on that branch in front of me and make a jump.

I opened my window and threw my bag so that it landed on the grass.

When I stepped on the bricks, a cold breeze hit me.


Once I closed the window, I reached for the thick branch of the tree in front me. I clenched it with my hands and... Shit, I can't do this. How did Austin manage to do this so quickly?

I sighed... boys.

"It's now or never Kylie. What if one of Austin's friends see that video?" I said to myself and leaped.

While hanging from the branch, I took a deep breath and let go.

Surprisingly, I landed swiftly on the floor.

Well... It was only about four feet after all.

I slowly made my way towards the front of the house and crouched behind a bush to call a cab.

After fifteen minutes of playing candy crush in my phone, the taxi driver looked at me weirdly as I got out from behind the bush and into the cab.

The old man looked at me with tired eyes, "Where to?"

I gave him directions to Austin's house.

* * *

"Thanks." I told the driver and handed him the money.

"You're welcome, and be careful out there young lady. Parents find out everything." he answered.

I gulped, thinking about what would my mother say if she knew that I escaped my house to go to Austin's in the middle of the night.

"Yeah... Thanks." I mumbled and got out quickly, fast walking to the right side of the house where Austin's bedroom window was located.

I took a little rock and threw it at the window.

No sign of Austin.

I threw another and another and another, until suddenly, the window opened just to reveal a perfect Austin with messy hair and shirtless... oh gosh.

"Kyles? What are you doing here? How did you get here?" All at once he sounded shocked, happy and surprised.

"Baby calm down, I got here in a taxi." I whispered loud enough for him to hear.

"Does your mom know?" He asked.

"No, and please, open the door 'cause it's fucking cold here!" I said, rubbing my arms.

He smiled, "Okay."

I walked to the front door and Austin was already there waiting for me. Damn, this boy is fast.

"Babe!" Austin exclaimed excitedly.

"Shh!" I gushed, putting my hand in his mouth.

I removed my hand to find a big smile. I smiled back and kissed him.

"Let's go." He said after pulling away while taking my hand.

Once we got to his room, he grabbed a towel from his bed and walked towards the bathroom.

"Sorry, I was about to shower when I heard those noises coming from my window." He said while raising an eyebrow.

I giggled. "Okay."

Now that Austin is in the bathroom, time to begin my master plan.

I slowly walked towards his nightstand to take is laptop and sit on his bed. Luckily, his laptop did not have a password.

Scanning through his computer, I finally found the video and played it. I smiled at the sound of Austin's voice booming through the speakers. Then, the make out started. His lips were moving professionally against mine, but I looked like a sloppy kisser.

Oh gosh...

Even fish could kiss better than me from my perspective. After a while, the video stopped. Probably because this was the part in which Austin closed his computer.

Suddenly, the bathroom door opens to reveal Austin in only his towel wrapped around his hips and showing his v-line. Water was dripping from his hair, running through his well-defined abs. I mentally slapped myself, stop staring Kylie!

"What are you doing babe?"


Author's Note:

OMG GUYS! 1k VOTES! Thank you so much! Here is a kinda long chapter since you deserve it ;) Keep on commenting and voting! Guys, we really need a celebrity to represent John! Remember that he has a well built body with black hair and dark brown eyes. Any suggestions?

~Gabby and Laura x




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