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( 002 )

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

( 002 )


" Okay uhm, no."

" No way!"

Maya nodded as she took a sip of her drink. Riley has suggested they were color coordinated at homecoming and had been throwing out colors they could wear for all most ten minutes now.

Riley shook her head. Her friend had now said no to pretty much every color in the rainbow and riley refused to wear something bland or plain. " You are so hard to please, Maya." She chuckled, tossing one of her fries at the girl. Her statement earned an eye roll from Maya. She didn't think that was true.

" Anyway, Uncle Josh is coming over tomorrow."

Ah, Joshua Matthews. The only Matthews Maya Hart was smitten for. She'd been head over heals for him since she was a tiny seventh grader. He wouldn't give her a chance though, atleast not until she'd turned sixteen. When she did he'd finally paid her some mind and she loved it. " Really ?" Riley nodded, "And he says he has good news."

And Maya had not-so-good news.

" But anyway, I think we need to go to the mall." The brunette starts again. Maya sighs, knowing her bff would not give up on her "color coordinated" idea.
" C'mon Maya, it would be so cute."

" Whatever." She says, earning a squeal out of an excited Riley.

* * *

" This is the one." Riley had said this exact phrase for quite literally every dress she'd picked up. Maya continued to not approve of the slim dresses her friend kept picking up. All they did was remind her how much weight she'll have gained by the time she was supposed to wear them.

" It's official, my point has been proven."

Maya raises a brow, " What point ?"

" That's you're hard to please."

" Oh, you're still on that." Maya shook her head as she searched through the rack for a dress she could actually see herself wearing. She was never into glitz and glam so a sparkly dress didn't seem right. One dress caught her eye though. It was a medium length , strapless red dress, its sides tied into a cute bow.

She went over to the mirror posted to the wall, holding the dress up to herself. She imagined herself in it, imagined herself at the dance, smiling , having tons of fun. Then suddenly her petite body had a large stomach, she was thicker, alone in the corner with no friends because she was now just "that girl who got pregnant". She felt her eyes watering, her face tightening.

" That's cute."

Riley catches her off guard, she quickly wipes her face with her free hand, slightly turning away from Riley, " Yeah. I don't think it's for me though."

Riley softly sighs, then pulls her phone out of her pocket as it lets out a ding. She swipes back and forth a few times followed by continuous tapping before looking to Maya and saying " I guess Uncle Josh came early."

Her eyes widened. He'd come already ? She was sure she had an extra day before she had to worry about seeing him again. " You wanna leave now ? I wanna go see him."

No. She didn't want to see him, not yet atleast. So ofcourse she was surprised with herself when a eager  " Yes." escaped her lips.

 ✓ | small bump → girl meets worldNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ