Off to Neverland (13)

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"So I heard you and Jacky made up," Eli grinned as I sat next to him in our class the next day. "How cute."

"We didn't make up," I practically growled, my hands balling into fists as I glared at him. "I'm still mad at him. And I'm mad at you and the rest of your stupid friends, too."

"Ow," he teased, placing a hand over his heart as he continued to grin at me. One of these days I was going to smack that sarcastic grin right off his face... Was that all he could do? All he did was smirk or grin at me, and then give me a sarcastic remark. "You don't know how much you hurt me, Ivy. It's like you're taking a sword and just lancing it right through my heart."

I really wished that I could have hurt him physically.

But of course I couldn't, because then he would have won and I would be kicked out of Neverland Academy and sent off to military school. And there was no way I was going to let that happen anytime soon... Or ever, for that matter. Someone had to show Eli that he didn't get everything he wanted.

"I'm trying to learn," I informed him flatly, as if it wasn't completely obvious. I couldn't believe everyone just let him talk like it wasn't bothering them at all! It was absolutely ridiculous how everyone feared The Lost Boys! They were just four punks that thought they could have gotten anything they wanted just because they had money...

But was Jack really different? He seemed to be. Though he was a player... But he said that I was different from all those other girls. And he seemed to be different from his friends, too.

"Like you need to learn," Eli sighed, rolling his eyes at me and looking back to the front of the classroom. "You're a scholarship student. I'm sure you already know this stuff."

Even though he was right, I wasn't about to tell him that. I did already know what the teacher was telling us, but I just wanted to get out of this dumb conversation with him. But as long as I sat next to him, I knew that there was no way I'd be able to get out of it...

"I need to keep my grades up," I excused, leaning to the left a little to look around the kid that was in front of me. I didn't think it was possible for someone to have a head as big as that... "If I don't, I can't attend here anymore. So I'm not going to let my grades drop and let you win."

Eli grinned at me once again now, leaning closer to me as well. I leaned back, not caring about seeing anymore, so I wouldn't have to be anywhere near him. I swear, this guy was going to get what was coming to him one of these days...

"That's another way to get you out of here, huh?" he asked with a smirk, and all I could do was glare at him. I knew I shouldn't have told him that... Now he knew another way to get me kicked out of the school. What if he forced a teacher to fail me? I'd get kicked out for sure! Wow, for a smart girl I really was stupid sometimes... "I'll make sure to remember that..."

I didn't say another word to him, because I was afraid I was going to say something else that could have possibly kicked me out of the school. Even though I didn't want to attend the school at all, I was going to have to stay there. Because I had to prove it to those stupid Lost Boys that they couldn't win every battle they fought. And I would love to see their faces when they get beaten by a girl.

I couldn't wait until that day would come. No matter how long it took, it was going to come no matter what had to come with it.

"Buzz off," was all I could say, my eyes glued to the back of our teacher's head.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Eli smirk at me once again before his gaze dropped to my neck. I was afraid to ask what he was looking at until he said, "You always wear that necklace."

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