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Author's Note

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Hello, dearest readers!

You are about to read the edited version of The Lady Who Sinned, the last book of the Haverston Family Series. A little warning before you move on: this is going to be a different story. And I know that some (or maybe most) of you will not appreciate the changes I made. Also, please take note of the trigger warnings I placed in the story description!

I struggled hard during the editing of this story because I knew many people love this story. But as the writer who wrote this many years ago, I found it hard to connect with the characters and the story itself. With that, and after putting into consideration the following stories (Everard Family Series) that are connected to the Haverston arcs, I decided to let go of many darlings in this story.

The entire Haverston Family Series is now available in paperback here in the Philippines. For international readers, I can only wish to have it available for you. But if you wish to make inquiries on how you can have these books, you may email anvilsales@anvilpublishing.com.

Know that I'm quite nervous to learn the reaction of those who have read the original story. I can only hope you would appreciate this version. Or if not, dive into the book thinking you'll be reading a completely different story. Or you can just rant your frustrations (with as much grace as you can) and I would still appreciate that. After all, my writing and editing journey will forever be a learning journey as well. 

Anxiously hoping this story will meet your expectations,

J.D. Ruiz

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