Chaper 5: New home.

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Three days.

Three days have passed since we left the cabin.

And we hadn't seen any signs of living people.

We'd met a few zombies, but Kylie, Lucas and Oliver had managed to kill them.

We'd passed eight towns and it's been the same in all of them.

Dead people and a few zombies.

The first day, we kept our cheery expression and kept moving without any further due.

The second day it was noticeable that we were getting more and more tired and the tension was killing me.

The third day, we all lost hope for meeting actual people.

And the forth day? It had just begun.

We were currently sitting on a pair of stones in the middle of the woods.

We'd figured that we had about an day left to walk before we came to the big city.

Lucas and I had stuck together pretty well, especially considering the fact that he hadn't allowed Oliver or Kylie to carry me.

I found it a little bit odd, but I hadn't questioned it.

Maybe he wanted to hold onto the thing that seemed most familiar.

"Are we ready to go?" Kylie asked us, as she stood up and packed her backpack.

I'm going to be honest, she actually wasn't that bad.

"I've finished my food" I said and looked over at Lucky to see if he was done too.

He nodded and he stood up in front of me and helped me jump up on his back.

"Are you okay?" He asked me and I nodded.

"I'm fine" I then said, realizing that he couldn't see me nodding.

Oliver also packed his backpack and we were soon walking towards the next town again.

We'd stopped running yesterday, we all realized that we were to tired. And I was thankful too, because when Lucas ran, my foot hit his hip much harder and more often.

My foot was still hurting like a bitch, but it wasn't quite as bad.

"HARRY!" I yelled, realizing that I'd forgotten about him completely.

"Holy f*ck" I heard Lucas cuss.

"I can't believe I forgot about him, what if he's hurt? What if a zombie took him? What if he ends up as the boy in the toys store? What if he's already dead? Oh my god" I rambled, feeling the panic taking over my body.

"Hey, calm down" Lucas said, gently patting my leg, which was still wrapped around his waist as we walked.

"Oh god" I whispered, burying my face in my hands.

I soon realized my mistake and quickly grasped Lucas' shoulders before almost falling off.

"I'm sure someone took care of him, Peter was with him before we went out to shoot, right? I'm sure Peter will protect him" Oliver tries to calm me down and I nod, my eyes still wide open in panic.

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