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Earlier in the day Sophia was returned. The little girl was safe and sound back in her mother's arms thanks to that...girl.

Daryl didn't know what it was... But ever since that mute girl showed up, things had been changing for the group. He himself made it back, Sophia was alive, and they had a safe place to stay for the moment. Things were starting to turn around.

For Daryl though, he found himself more alone than ever before. Carol had her kid back, Rick and Lori had theirs too, the others were getting in relationships and getting together... But him, he lost all he had back in that God damn city. Merle was gone... It was just him now.

Not a night went by that Daryl didn't see the face of his supposedly dead brother. Ever since his fall at the quarry, the day the girl found him, Merle was constantly on his mind. Tonight was definately not an exception. He jolted awake with a cold sweat across his brow.

The night air was stiff, damp, and cool just like it had been so many nights before. This time however, his dream was cut shorter than it would normally be. A familiar rapid beating pounded from his chest as if begging to be free. He needed to calm down... He needed to breath.

Regaining his composure took a little longer than it probably should have, but soon enough his ears picked up on a rustling outside. There were footsteps dragging across the dirt before his tent. A groan was the next thing he heard, so out of curiosity he carefully peeked around the netting side of his tent to see a walker stumbling about through his camp.

Daryl reached for his crossbow on his right, once he tried lifting the weight though his side retracted in pain. It had only been a couple days since the incident and his side still hurt like crazy.

Just as he was about to readjust himself, a whisking sound filled the air and he turned just in time to see the Walker fall to the ground. In its head was an arrow, the skinny shaft with blue fletchings sticking from the back of its head.

There was no other movement after... Silence, stillness, the only thing that sounded was the crackling of the fire ahead. But suddenly, a figure was running towards the fallen Walker. Daryl waited patiently as they entered the dim light of the fire. It was the girl.

She had dirt caked across her pale skin, blonde hair inna high ponytail, and that same bandana around her neck.

Once at the biters side, she planted her blood firmly against its head and pulled out the arrow. Daryl took his opportunity to sit upwards and unzip his tent.

As soon as he was outside though, he looked to the Walker to see the girl gone. Daryl stood in confusion, damn she's quick.

"You can come out." He spoke neutrally moving towards the fire. "I know you're there."

It took some time, silence overtaking his surroundings as he waited patiently. Then however, a thud sound echoed on his left. There she stood, the girl gradually rising from her crouched position to fully stand before him. She was in the tree, she scaled that tree awefully fast.

Suddenly the tension became thick, neither really knowing what to do. Buy then, the girl reached behind her and unhooked a white string she had around her waist. Soon enough, she was holding the line of rabbits, squirrels, and a pheasant before her.

She wanted to cook her kills. Looking to the fire Daryl nodded motioning for her to sit. Immediately upon approval she did so. He watched carefully as she took the rabbit and began to skin it. The girl knew what she was doing. She was a good hunter, but seemed to be an even better survivor. 

"What's your name kid?" He asked as she worked. The girl stopped for a second, her blue eyes traveling from the rabbit to him. Then, with a lick of her lips she looked around her for something she could use. Seeing nothing of benefit, she pulled her knife and began tracing in the dirt between them. MIA

He watched carefully as she curved the letters before him. Once done however, he simply nodded. "You said you weren't much of a talker... You can't can you?"

This immediately made her freeze. Instantly he was able to tell that this was a touchy subject for her. After a long heartfelt pause, she closed her eyes and shook her head. "You a mute before all this?" Again, dryly she shook her head no.

That is when he knew, something happened to her out there. There was a reason she was alone...

Upon roasting her first kill, Mia's bright blue eyes gazed into the dancing flames. Daryl didn't talk anymore after that, they didn't need to.

The rabbit was fully cooked and she pulled it in happily. However, daryl soon realized she wasn't just cooking for herself. In one fluid motion she extended her arm in his direction and handed over the cooked rabbit to him. At first, he wasn't going to take it. But seeing the sincerity in her eyes, he swallowed down his pride and took the food from the young girl.

That seemed to be her biggest way of communication, her eyes. Just by looking into them, daryl could tell what she was thinking. She awaited his response, it was something she needed to know. "Sophias alright kid, just tired."

With a nod of approval Mia turned back to the fire and pulled out a squirrel for herself.

Together they sat like that most of the night, thoughts to themselves and mouths shut. But their eyes however, those were the one thing that did the wandering. Every now and again each would lock stare with eachother, neither really backing down. It was a test almost... But eventually someone would cave.

Eventually the sun began to peak through the trees... Mia looked over her shoulder cautiously knowing that it was her time to leave. People would be moving around in the camp soon, she couldn't risk being seen again.

Rising to her feet she handed over the rest of her kills to Daryl. He took them hesitantly, but did so as he watched her put back on her gear. "You ain't completely alone no more kid..." His voice echoed causing her to look over her shoulder at him. "You need something... You know where to go."

Mustering as kind of a smile as she could, Mia nodded a thanks before turning her back to him. This time, daryl watched her go. He observed her stature as she entered the tree line across the field. The girl was a on a mission, she was going to find whoever she was looking for... She needed to.

Letting out a sigh Daryl rose to his feet. Just as he did so though, something caught his eye. There on the ground where she once had sat was the picture. It was the picture of the young boy... A picture of who she was looking for.

Daryl took it graciously and ran his thumb over the boys face. Then, he placed it into his back pocket... She had found Sophia for them, the least he could do was help her find the kid.

Gathering his crossbow and gear, daryl strode off in the direction the girl took off to. Once engulfed in the trees just as she was, he froze slightly at the site of her. The girl was waiting for him, arms crossed and back against a tree. "Ill have to head back in a few hours when they start to get curious..."

She nodded a gracious smile. Then, the two turned as she introduced him to the trail. That morning, both archers stayed together. And with him on her left, and her on his right. Mia felt something. She felt there was a better chance to find Scotty, she felt that there was less ground for only her to cover, for once in such a long time, Mia felt hope.

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