{Epilogue} Part 2

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{Epilogue} Part 2

“Do you, Tiny Morgan, take Jane Peters to be your lawfully wedded wife…?”

Katie clasped her hands in front of her as Tiny and Jane exchanged their wedding vows. She looked across the isle of the little church and grinned at Aubrey, who smiled broadly and clapped her hand silently. Wade looked between them and smirked, shaking his head. Toni leaned over to look past Wade and Erik at her and grinned, too. Adam elbowed Katie and shook his head with a smile.

Katie refocused her attention back on the couple at the altar. Placing her other hand on her flat stomach, mere weeks pregnant with her first child, she breathed a deep, contented sigh.

“If any man should see just cause why these two should not be wed, let him speak now or forever hold his peace.”

Katie rolled her eyes. The preacher was supposed to say that before the wedding vows were said! Serves Tiny and Jane right for getting married while Pastor James was out of town so the old Justice of the Peace had to perform the ceremony. The man didn’t have the words written down, and even if he did, there was no guarantee that he could see them as old as he was.

Adam acted like he was going to raise his hand in objection. Katie shot him a glare and he grinned, putting his hand down. She shook her head and focused her attention back on the couple.

“I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your bride,” The Justice of the Peace stated.

Katie’s heart melted at the thirteenth sweet moment of her matchmaking career. Claps and hollers filled the air and Katie laughed with pure joy in her heart for Tiny and Jane.

They all left the church and the six of them walked down the steps to leave Tiny and Jane alone.

“I can’t believe he’s actually married!” Toni exclaimed. “Of all my cowboys, I never imagined that Tiny would be the one to get married.”

Katie grinned. “I think they’ll have a lovely marriage.”

“Me too,” Aubrey chimed in. “You did a mighty fine job, Katie.”

Katie gave a lady-like bow and giggled.

“Well, I have some news,” Aubrey clasped her hands and looked at Wade, who was smiling himself.

“News?” Katie stood close to Adam and anticipated Aubrey’s answer.

“Yes. Wade and I, after what seems like an eternity of trying, are finally in the family way.” Katie had never seen such a healthy glow in Aubrey’s cheeks as it did just then.

Katie gasped. “Are you serious? Our kids’ll be like Jay and Sandy before you know it! Maybe if one of us has a boy and the other has a girl they’ll grow up and be matches.”

“Whoa, now. Slow down for a second. She ain’t even fat yet,” Wade nodded to Aubrey.

Aubrey elbowed him in the ribs.

Katie could just see Wade tending to Aubrey’s every whim for nine months straight.

“I’m so happy for you!” Katie wrapped her arms around Aubrey.

The looked at Toni and found her and Erik wearing shocked expressions.

“What is it?” Aubrey asked.

“You won’t believe this,” Toni said as she looked up at Erik. “We’re expecting our third.”

Adam and Wade looked at each other.

“All three of them?” Adam asked.

The men’s eyes reflected pure terror.

The women embraced each other in a three-way hug. It was the happiest moment of the year.


Katie lay in bed that night, staring up at the ceiling while Adam sat cross-legged at the end of the bed sifting through wanted posters in nothing put his work pants. Apparently staring at the same mug shots and descriptions every night before bed made him sleep better. She had learned a lot of little things about him in their short month and a half of marriage.

“Adam?” Katie spoke up.

“Uh huh,” Adam replied absentmindedly.

“Joe Blake only got ten years in prison because he didn’t murder anyone, right?”

Adam crumpled up one wanted poster and lay it aside. “That’s right.”

“That means that he’ll get out in a few years.”

“Uh huh.”

“Think he’ll try to get revenge?”

Adam looked up at her. “Probably not. Why?”

“I’ve heard stories about lawmen that were killed by men who were out for revenge because they put them in prison,” Katie fiddled with the sheet.

Adam stacked all of the wanted posters with a sigh. “Well, I don’t see why they would come after me. Sheriff Duncan was the one who was made out as the big hero in the courtroom. He was the one up there telling the jury what happened - repeating everything that I told him.”

Katie rolled her eyes. That still upset her, but to Adam it was just another day of working for Duncan. Come the next election, she and Toni would make sure that Adam was elected sheriff.

Adam placed the posters on his bedside table and blew the lamp out before stretching out beside her. It wasn’t long before she felt his hand on her stomach.

“How’re you feelin’?” he asked.

Katie shrugged, not that he could see her. “I’m alright. Still a little sick.”

“Maybe it’ll all be worth it once the baby gets here.”

“That’s what Toni told me,” Katie sighed, the nine months ahead of her looking mighty intimidating.

“I guess she would know.”

“At least I’ll have two other women going through the same thing with me.”

She heard a faint groan from Adam.

“What was that?” she asked with a grin.

“What was what?”

“I heard a groan out of you. Are you dreading this?” Katie was still smiling.

“What? Why would I dread it?” Adam was a terrible liar.

Katie laughed. “I’ll try not to be too horrible to you.”

Adam’s hands drifter over to hold hers. “I appreciate that.”

Katie shook her head. She loved the man next to her more than anything else in the world. He was her everything in the entire sense of the word. The sun seemed to shine brighter when he smiled at her. The rain poured down a little less when he held her hand. Her heart seemed to swell a little bigger with love every time she looked at him.

Wrapping both her arms around one of his, she snuggled against him and fell asleep within minutes thinking of the blessings that God was always faithful to give to those who were really trying to serve him.

To God be the glory.

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.

Jeremiah 22:11.

The End

And thus we say goodbye to the McBrides, the Dylans, and the Sterlings. I will miss these guys so much! Thanks you all who helped me through this story! You know who you are and you mean a lot to me. I did cry when I typed the 'd' in 'the end', but I know that there is another adventure waiting to be written!

The Matchmaker's MatchOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara