Wonders of the Woods

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"I'm sorry, let us pause for a moment."

Lorelie paused, the pipette poised over the beaker and looked across the table at Rowe who had his eyes scrunched up and was rubbing his forehead like a migraine was coming on.

"Let me understand this, you wish to use an untested remedy on the master of this castle, a man of huge importance in court and the partner to my lord? An untested remedy that you don't yet know the side-effects of? So, in plainer words, you wish to use my master as a test subject and potentially poison him in the process."

Lorelie straightened up. "I'm not going to poison him."

Rowe gave her a look that said he thought her a moron. "You realise Daya Flora is a poisonous flower, correct?"

Lorelie glanced at the flowers that had been dried overnight, now laid out on the counter between them.

"The instructions said it was fine," Lorelie said instead, covering her complete and utter lack of knowledge about something so basic.

Rowe snorted and leant back, looking towards the window. "Oh yes, something you found in an old dusty book no on uses. There is probably a reason no one uses it."

"That book belonged to my grandmother," Lorelie snapped, "She wouldn't keep anything that could harm others."

Rowe seemed to still as the words, then his gaze flicked to her, watching her out of the corner of his eye. "Your grandmother?"


"You're sure it's hers?"

Lorelie frowned at him. "Yes, what of it? Do you know her?"

Rowe pursed his lips and looked away again, setting his palms flat on the table as he drew in a breath, thinking. "Fine," he suddenly said, making her blink. "Continue." And with that, he sat back in his chair, folded his arms, crossed his legs and returned to watching her, like a teacher minding a student.

Lorelie stared at him. "What was that?"

"Come on now, Miss May, I don't have all day to waste with you."

She glared at him then continued to her work, following the instructions with utmost care, even more mindful then before. She wouldn't of course, it had never happened and it wouldn't start now – but good lord, what if she poisoned Beldon by mistake?


By midday she had finished her preparations and Beldon's goddaughter was apparently awake, meaning she could get a check-up before Lorelie left to get home.

The girl was sat up in bed when Lorelie arrived, staring out of the open balcony doors, a book lying open and forgotten on her lap.

She still looked too pale, her hair limp and dull, lacking any of the bounce of a healthy child.

It took her a moment to register Lorelie's existence, she was already by the bed by the time the girl looked around and Lorelie smiled at her as she set her bag down.


The girl just looked at her.

"My name is Lorelie May, I was here last night when you arrived but I didn't get your name."

The girl continued to stare for a moment then slowly blinked. "Cynthia Roella Lucan," she said, her voice flat, the words sounding almost like a chant.

"That's a very pretty name," Lorelie said with smile, sitting on the chair beside her. "What are you reading there?"

Cynthia turned the book towards her and Lorelie stared. It was one of ancient dialects, one that she could only read because of her medical knowledge – though she had taught herself, with help from the local school master and doctor. But this little girl was reading such things already?

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