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The noon sun rose high in the sky, partially obscured by passing clouds as it reached to the grass below. The trees and bushes of the forest fought against the bright sunlight, creating green tinted shadows and colder areas. The group didn't mind, though, as they made their trek into the woods once more.

"Pacifica should be here," Dipper announced, journal tucked safely away as he made his way over a fallen tree. "She has a right to be. She was part of this mess, too."

Danny studied the boy. "What's all this about Pacifica?" He narrowed his eyes, a sly smirk plastered onto his lips. "You don't like her, do you?"

"What?" A blush coated his cheeks. "That's crazy! I'm--"

Danny waved him off. "Forget it. I know the feeling. Lead the way, Dip. We'll go get her."

"We should be getting to the lake," muttered Stan, a frown creasing his face.

"Psh, relax. You know, fighting kind of sucks sometimes; it's nice to just procrastinate every once in a while."

Stan scowled. "Procrastinating is great, I'm amazing at procrastinating, but there--"

"Hey," Danny leaned in as they walked, the two of them falling behind the group. "Between you and me, the both of us could use a little relaxing, eh?"

A look crossed over Stan's face before disappearing entirely once more. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Yeah, because a man who doesn't tolerate and barely believes in the supernatural just decided to build a shack dedicated to the stuff in the middle of a small town with little tourism. I've seen the way you look at that journal, Stan. You keep your secrets, and I'll try to hold on to what's left of mine."

The look crossed his face again, staying longer this time. "I don't like you, kid."

"Feeling's mutual. Let's go get your nephew's girlfriend."

- - -

"Ms. Northwest, your peasants are here to see you."

"Out of the way, Bertrand. Dipper? Danny? What are you guys doing? I'm kind of busy here."

"Wow," Danny muttered to Dipper. "She's a keeper."

"Oh, like your girlfriend's any better," Dipper shot back, and the two fought the blushes that threatened to creep up their necks.

"We came to get you," Wendy smiled and lowered her voice. "We're going after Serafina."

"I'm kind of in really big trouble for leaving. In case you haven't noticed, like the entire town was on the look for me. My parents were hanging money over my head. There's probably a ton of people that are still out there searching."

Jazz cringed. "Just what we need. More people around."

Dipper took a glance behind Pacifica before speaking quietly to her. "Remember that one time? With the ghost? I'd say you're due for a little rebellion."

"I snuck out and got turned into Medusa. I'm done with rebellion."

"Come on, Pacifica. It'll be fun," Wendy urged.

Pacifica sighed loudly. "Fine. Three hours. That's all you get. Mom! Dad! I'm going to the mall!"

There was only a muffled shout in response as she closed the door behind her. "They're drunk," she supplied. "Let's go."

Through the manicured courtyard, past the magnificent gates, down the winding hill and into the forest below. Danny glanced at the people around him and he was suddenly rejuvenated with the idea that they accepted his other half. He jumped and shifted into Phantom with a flash of blue light, floating over the soft ground with a certain level of comfort.

Dipper startled at the sight of Danny changed. "What level ghost are you?"

Danny, befuddled, glanced back at him. "What?"

Dipper was already fumbling through his journal, turning to a page about ghosts. "Level. One out of ten, with ten being the most powerful ghost. I'd give you a seven."

"I don't know, Dipping Sauce. I'd say six," offered Mabel, shrugging.

Danny crossed his arms as he floated. "I'm totally a ten." His voice echoed off the trees, giving it more of an ethereal feel than before.

"Five," Wendy offered, laughing at Danny's suppressed anger.

"Am not! Jazz?"

"No more than an eight. You'd be lucky to get there." A smirk.

"I could take down this whole forest if I yelled loud enough. I could take out all of you in less than five seconds."

"You could what?" Stan queried, concerned.

"Prove it." Dipper tried to hide his excitement, a pen already propped on an empty page in the ghost's section.

"This is a bad idea," Pacifica muttered, studying her nails in disgust. She really needed a manicure.

"You're provoking him!" Jazz growled. "Danny, there are other people in this forest." Backing away now, sticking out her arms and ushering the others back as well. "Someone could see you!"

"No one will see me. It'll be quick." His eyes flashed blue.

Jazz turned to the people around her. "You've really done it now."

"Hey, you participated in it!" Wendy said.

Ice. Cold, sudden, covering the trees and grass around them in a wide circle. Frost traveled up the trees in spiral patterns, coating the foliage. Dipper's mouth dropped open as he wrote sloppily into his journal.

The floating ice ball in his hand turned to green ectoplasm, as did his eyes, and he shot a blast just above Wendy's head. She yelped in surprise as it smacked into a tree behind her, smoke rising from the bark.

Danny disappeared.

"You're so embarrassing," Jazz muttered. "It's a miracle our parents haven't found out about you yet."

Danny popped up in front of her, and everyone jumped back. However, Jazz kept her ground, staring back at her younger brother with crossed arms.

"You can be cocky after the fight. Clean up this ridiculous mess."

"Hey, they wanted to see it," Danny muttered, and with a swish of his hand the ice dissipated from the area around them.

"How'd you do that?" Dipper queried.

"Ice core."


Danny whipped his head around to face the short man with a disappearing brown lock of hair hidden underneath a hat and a mustache. He noted the red tie and suspenders with a certain amount of disgust.

Danny groaned as Mustache ran away, camera in hand. "Great. What's it gonna be now, 'Ghost Kid Terrorizes Innocent Children in Forest'?"

"Maybe you'll go national this time," Jazz offered.

"Not helping."

"Let's get going before the bears find us," Stan grumbled. "Or the gnomes."

"Grunkle Stan, didn't you try to get a Seeing Eye Bear once?" Mabel asked.

"I thought we agreed to never talk about that again."

"Okay, Mr. Pines is right. We need to get going," Wendy finally agreed. "Like, I'm into fun and all, but I'm starting to get kinda anxious. I don't do feelings."

"Right. To the lake!" Danny yelled, pretending to march.

It was then that the ground exploded in front of them.

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